Development: OpenMPT Format Extensions

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ModPlug Tracker and OpenMPT have extended the IT and XM formats in various ways. In general, these hacks are frowned upon, but here is some documentation on those hacks in case you want to support them in your own player. I am really sorry about all this mess, but all of this has grown historically way before I joined OpenMPT development.

Presence of these format extensions in a file does not necessarily imply that it was created with ModPlug Tracker or OpenMPT. Some of the extensions are also used e.g. by BeRoTracker.

Any numeric values are stored in little-endian format, unless noted otherwise.

Data types used in this document:

  • uint8, uint16, uint32: Unsigned integers with the given bit width.
  • int8, int16, int32: Signed integers with the given bit width.
  • char: A single character (i.e. a byte)
  • float32: Single precision IEEE float
  • VarInt: A MIDI-like variable-length unsigned integer (big-endian value where the highest bit of each byte indicates if another byte follows, and the lower 7 bits containing the actual number).
  • Square brackets [] denote an array of values:
    • [] is a variable-length array (length is deduced from some other attribute)
    • [42] denotes an array with 42 entries.

ModPlug Song Extensions[edit]

The following extensions exist since the (closed-source) ModPlug Tracker days. These extensions are found in IFF-like chunks, but without any padding bytes. The chunks are placed right after the header data in the IT format (i.e. after the edit history / MIDI macro block). In the XM format these chunks are placed right at the end of the file (i.e. after the sample data). At the time of writing, these chunks are always written out in the order described here, but if possible you should probably try to read them without expecting a certain order. All chunks are optional.

Chunk Header Layout[edit]

Offset Data Type Content
0 char[4] Magic bytes (FOURCC)
4 uint32 Size of this chunk, excluding the header


text (XM only)[edit]

Contains the song message (CR line endings), its length is determined by the chunk size.

MIDI (XM only)[edit]

Contains the MIDI macro configuration, in the same format as in the IT format.


Contains the pattern names. Each pattern name is 32 bytes long and not necessarily null-terminated. The encoding is unspecified (Windows code page). The pattern names are stored continuously, i.e. there are (chunk size / 32) pattern names in the chunk, for pattern 0, pattern 1, ... pattern (chunk size / 32 - 1).


Contains the channel names. Each channel name is 20 bytes long and not necessarily null-terminated. The encoding is unspecified (Windows code page). The channel names are stored continuously, i.e. there are (chunk size / 20) channel names in the chunk, for channel 1, channel 2, ... channel (chunk size / 20).


Contains the plugin assignment for each channel. For every channel, there is a 32-bit integer plugin index. 0 means no plugin, 1 is the first plugin, etc...

FX00, ... FX99, F100, ... F255[edit]

Contains plugin information for each plugin slot. FX00 contains the information for the first plugin slot, FX99 for the 100th, F100 for the 101st, etc...

Offset Data Type Content
0 char[4] Plugin Type
  • VST plugins: PtsV
  • DMO plugins: OMXD
  • Internal plugins use various other IDs.
4 char[4] Unique Plugin ID
8 uint8 Routing Flags
  • 0x01: Apply to master mix
  • 0x02: Bypass effect
  • 0x04: Wet Mix (dry added)
  • 0x08: Expand Mix [0%,100%] → [-200%,200%]
  • 0x10: Plugin will automatically suspend on silence
9 uint8 Mix mode
  • 0: normal processing
  • 1: MIX += DRY - WET * wetRatio
  • 2: MIX += WET - DRY * dryRatio
  • 3: MIX -= WET - DRY * wetRatio
  • 4: MIX -= middle - WET * wetRatio + middle - DRY
  • 5: MIX_L += wetRatio * (WET_L - DRY_L) + dryRatio * (DRY_R - WET_R)
    MIX_R += dryRatio * (WET_L - DRY_L) + wetRatio * (DRY_R - WET_R)
10 uint8 Gain Factor * 10 (9 = 90%, 10 = 100%, 11 = 110%, etc.). A value of 0 is equal to 10 (i.e. 100%).
11 uint8 (Reserved)
12 uint32 Output Routing (0 = send to master 0x80 + x = send to plugin x)
16 uint8[16] (Reserved)
32 char[32] User-chosen plugin name (Windows code page)
64 char[64] Library name (Original DLL name / DMO identifier).
UTF-8 (max. 64 bytes) since OpenMPT, Windows code page in older versions.
128 uint32 Size of plugin-specific data in bytes (parameters or opaque chunk)
132 uint8[] Plugin-specific data

The first four bytes of the plugin-specific data determine the type of data. If they are all 0, then the plugin parameters follow as an array of float32 values. Otherwise, plugin type specific data follows which should be treated as an opaque chunk. For example, for VST plugins that support the effGetChunk / effSetChunk opcodes, the first four bytes will be "fEvN", followed by the data to be sent to the plugin.

After the plugin information described above, more information may follow in OpenMPT modules. This information is again stored in chunks. However, there are two legacy chunks which do not have any size stored alongside the chunk identifier:

FOURCC Data Type Description
DWRT float32 Dry/Wet Ratio of the plugin. This chunk does not denote its size!
PROG uint32 Default plugin program (preset) to restore. This chunk does not denote its size!

Any chunks that will be added in the future will have proper IFF-like chunks with a 32-bit size field.

ModPlug Instrument Extensions (IT only)[edit]

To be able to address more than 256 samples in the IT format, ModPlug Tracker has an extension to store the high byte of sample indices for the instrument sample map.

By default, the last four bytes of an IT instrument (right after the pitch envelope) are unused. If they read MPTX or XTPM, 120 extra bytes follow, one for each note in the sample map. These bytes are the high byte of the sample index, i.e. they need to be multiplied by 256 and then added to the already read sample index.

OpenMPT Extensions (General Information)[edit]

In the XM format, OpenMPT instrument extensions may follow the ModPlug song extensions and may in return be followed by OpenMPT song extensions.

In the IT format, OpenMPT instrument extensions may follow the sample block and may in return be followed by OpenMPT song extensions. This is very ugly, because there might not be any samples, in which case the last thing before the extension block would be the last pattern. If there are no patterns, the last thing before the extension block would be a sample header (at least one sample header will be present even if there is no sample data – but you may even want to cover the case where there are no sample headers, for being compatible with possible future changes). So you will somehow have to keep track of the highest offset you have read into the file. If the last sample is IT-compressed, things become even more complicated: There is no way to know the compressed size of a compressed sample, so in case you want to skip sample loading, and the last sample happens to be compressed, you can do the following: Since we know that the extended instrument and song properties start right after the last sample, and since IT-compressed samples consist of chunks with a prepended 16-bit length field, you can simply read that 16-bit number, skip this amount of bytes, then check if you can read OpenMPT's XTPM or STPM magic bytes, and if not, read the next 16-bit length, skip the bytes, etc...

In pseudo code, finding the OpenMPT extensions in an IT / MPTM file could look somewhat like this:

offset = 0
lastSampleCompressed = false

// In case there are no patterns and no sample data (just empty sample slots):
if(number of samples > 0):
    offset = last sample header pointer + sizeof(ITSampleHeader)

for all samples:
    if sample is not compressed or if samples are decoded:
        lastSampleCompressed = false
        offset = max(offset, pointer to sample data + sample size)
    else if sample is compressed and samples are not decoded:
        lastSampleCompressed = true
        offset = max(offset, pointer to sample data)

// In case there is no sample data:
for all patterns:
    offset = max(offset, end of pattern data)

if lastSampleCompressed:
    while not eof:
        if next four bytes are XTPM or STPM:
            chunkID = next four bytes
            if chunkID only contains ASCII characters (all bytes are in 32…127)
                offset = current position - 4; break
                skip back 8 bytes
        read uint16 value and skip as many bytes

Try reading XTPM and STPM extensions at offset

The provided data types are just for orientation, i.e. the minimum recommended field size for storing the values in memory. You must expect fields to have a different size, since sometimes they do so for historic reasons. Defensive programming is your friend. Most of the FOURCCs also just make sense when read backwards, again for historic reasons. Note that some of these extensions duplicate existing functionality of the IT/XM format. In this case, the extensions take precedence over the value previous found in the file.

OpenMPT Instrument Extensions[edit]

Instrument extensions start with the XTPM magic bytes, but there is no size indication of the total size of this block. So you have to read the following chunks and as soon as you read the STPM magic bytes for a chunk, you know you have read to far and can continue with reading OpenMPT Song Extensions instead.

Instrument extensions are stored in a peculiar way: There is one chunk per property, and it contains the values for all instruments at once. The layout is as follows:

Chunk Header Layout[edit]

Offset Data Type Content
0 char[4] Magic bytes (FOURCC)
4 uint16 Size of this chunk's entry for one instrument (i.e. total chunk content size is this field × number of instruments)

Chunk Contents[edit]

The following instrument properties exist. Some of them are redundant depending on the file type and thus not present in all files. If they are redundant, they overwrite the values that were obtained from the format-specific structures.

FOURCC Data Type Formats Description
..OF uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Fade-out
...P uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Panning (0...256)
..EV uint32 MPTM Number of volume envelope nodes (if ≥ 25 nodes)
..EP uint32 MPTM Number of pan envelope nodes (if ≥ 25 nodes)
.EiP uint32 MPTM Number of pitch envelope nodes (if ≥ 25 nodes)
..BM uint16 IT, MPTM, XM MIDI Bank
..PM uint8 IT, MPTM, XM MIDI Program
..CM uint8 IT, MPTM, XM MIDI Channel
.[PV uint16[] MPTM Volume Envelope Ticks (if ≥ 25 nodes)
.[EV uint8[] MPTM Volume Envelope Values (if ≥ 25 nodes)
.[PP uint16[] MPTM Pan Envelope Ticks (if ≥ 25 nodes)
.[EP uint8[] MPTM Pan Envelope Values (if ≥ 25 nodes)
[PiP uint16[] MPTM Pitch Envelope Ticks (if ≥ 25 nodes)
[EiP uint8[] MPTM Pitch Envelope Values (if ≥ 25 nodes)
.PiM uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Plugin, 0 = no plugin, 1 = first plugin, etc.
..RV uint16 IT, MPTM, XM Ramping / Attack
...R uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Resampling Mode
  • 0: No Interpolation (1 tap)
  • 1: Linear (2 taps)
  • 2: Cubic Spline (4 taps)
  • 3: Sinc + Lowpass / Polyphase (8 taps)
  • 4: Sinc / XMMS-ModPlug (8 taps)
  • 5: Default
..SC uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Cutoff Swing
..SR uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Resonance Swing
..MF uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Filter Mode
HEVP uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Plugin Velocity Handling
HOVP uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Plugin Volume Handling
NREV uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Volume Envelope Release Node
NREA uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Pan Envelope Release Node
NREP uint8 IT, MPTM, XM Pitch Envelope Release Node
DWPM uint8 IT, MPTM Pitch Wheel Depth
LTTP uint16 IT, MPTM, XM Integer part of Pitch / Tempo Lock
PTTF uint16 MPTM Fractional part of Pitch / Tempo Lock (0...9999)

Legacy Extension[edit]

But wait, there is more! Some really old OpenMPT versions (1.17 RC1 and older, but not 1.17 RC2) do not use the instrument extensions described above. However, they also need to store the plugin reference for each instrument, which is done in another modular block following each instrument header (and possibly the MPTX / XTPM extension of that instrument header). If this legacy extension is present, the instrument header is followed by the magic bytes MSNI and an uint32 containing the modular data size.

Currently there is only one chunk in this modular data block. Its FOURCC is GULP, has no size information and contains an uint8 for the plugin index (0 = no plugin, 1 = first plugin, etc.).

OpenMPT Song Extensions[edit]

Song extensions start with the STPM magic bytes, but there is no size indication of the total size of this block. In an IT / XM file, these extensions are the last chunks in the file, so you can continue reading until you are out of data. In the case of MPTM files, some further MPTM-specific data follows. This data starts with the bytes "228" followed by ASCII charater 4 (not the digit), so you can keep reading the song extensions until you read this FOURCC.

Chunk Header Layout[edit]

Offset Data Type Content
0 char[4] Magic bytes (FOURCC)
4 uint16 Size of this chunk, excluding the header

Chunk Contents[edit]

FOURCC Data Type Formats Description
..TD uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Integer part of the default tempo (required if it is larger than 255 in IT / MPTM, but also found in legacy XM files)
DTFR uint32 MPTM Fractional part of the default tempo (0...9999)
.BPR uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Rows Per Beat
.MPR uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Rows Per Measure
...C uint16 IT, MPTM Number of channels
SnhC - IT, MPTM If there are more than 64 channels in the IT / MTPM format, this chunk contains the default panning, volume and flags for channels 65+. They are encoded the same way as in the IT header, except that volume and panning are stored in an interleaved way (i.e. volume for channel 65, pan for channel 65, volume for channel 66, ...)
..MT uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Tempo Mode
  • 0: classic
  • 1: alternative
  • 2: modern
.MMP uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Mix Levels
  • 0: Original
  • 1: 1.17 RC1
  • 2: 1.17 RC2
  • 3: 1.17 RC3
  • 4: Compatible
  • 5: Compatible (FT2 Pan Law)
.VWC uint32 IT, MPTM, XM OpenMPT "Created With" version (e.g. OpenMPT = 0x01234567)
VWSL uint32 IT, MPTM, XM OpenMPT "Last Saved With" version
.APS uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Sample Pre-Amp
VTSV uint32 IT, MPTM, XM Synth Pre-Amp (VSTi / OPL)
.VGD uint32 XM Global Volume (0...256)
..PR uint16 IT, MPTM Restart Position
RSMP uint32 MPTM Resampling Mode
  • 0: No Interpolation (1 tap)
  • 1: Linear (2 taps)
  • 2: Cubic Spline (4 taps)
  • 3: Sinc + Lowpass / Polyphase (8 taps)
  • 4: Sinc / XMMS-ModPlug (8 taps)
  • 5: Default
CUES - MPTM Sample cue points for a single sample (only MPTM format). The first uint16 in the chunk indicates for which sample slot the cue points are meant. The rest of the chunk contains all cue points as uint32s. If this chunk is missing for a particular sample slot, OpenMPT assumes the default cue points for this slot. In this case, the i-th cue point can be computed as i × 2048.
SWNG - MPTM Contains tempo swing factors (only MPTM format). The first uint16 in the chunk indicates the number of swing rows. The rest of the chunk contains all swing factors as uint32s. A factor of 16777216 (224) is considered to be unity, i.e. does not modify the row duration. After loading, the number of swing factors must be resized to the actual number of rows per beat (in case of malformed file) and re-normalized.
.FSM - IT, MPTM, XM A bit field of generic compatibility flags. For modules made with OpenMPT 1.25 and older, the most important one is 0x01 (first bit set), which is IT-/XM-compatible playback mode. All other flags indicate which compatibility settings are toggled.
AUTH uint8[] IT, MPTM, XM Song artist, as UTF-8 string
AMIM - IT, MPTM, XM MIDI Mapping settings
CCOL rgbx[] IT, MPTM, XM Channel colors. The chunk size divided by 4 indicates the number of channels present. Format is [R, G, B, 0] for channels that have a color assigned, or [x, x, x, non-zero] for a channel with no color.

MPTM Extensions[edit]

Detecting an MPTM file[edit]

There are two types of hacked IT files: In early versions of the MPTM format (used in OpenMPT, the IMPM magic bytes are replaced by tpm., so they are not backwards compatible. Newer MPTM files use the original magic, but use a cwtv value between 0889h and 0FFFh (inclusive) in the header.

In both cases, the last four bytes of the file point to the start of the MPTM extensions. If the magic bytes "228" can be found at this start position, it is a valid MPTM file.

228 Extensions[edit]

228 Extensions have been used since OpenMPT r192 for features that are only available in the MPTM format, such as Custom Tunings, Multiple Sequences, and Parameter Control notes.

They are documented here.

External Samples[edit]

MPTM files can reference external samples. If the cvt value in the sample header is 80h, then the sample is external. In this case, the sample pointer does not point to actual sample data but to a filename:

Offset Data Type Content
0 VarInt Length of the filename
? char[] Filename (UTF-8, not null-terminated)

Note that only the sample waveform must be loaded, but not its metadata: Frequency, loop points, volume, panning, auto-vibrato etc. must be read from the IT file. If the sample length according to the IT header is shorter than the actual sample, the sample data must be trimmed, too.

External samples are used exactly the same way in ITI files.

OPL Instruments[edit]

MPTM files can make use of OPL instruments, just like S3M files. Unlike in S3M files, patch data is not stuffed into the sample header but stored as regular sample data. To tell OPL patches apart from regular samples, the cvt value in the sample header is set to 40h. Note that the check for this flag must be an equal comparison (cvt == 40h), not a bitwise AND, due to ModPlug's legacy ADPCM sample cvt type (FFh). Any combination with other cvt flags is also considered to be illegal.

OPL2 patches are stored in the same order as in S3M files, i.e. interleaved modulator and carrier bytes, with the last (12th) byte being unused and set to 0.

Order list (old)[edit]

If the cwtv is between 088Bh and 088Dh (inclusive), the order list at the start of the file is replaced by the following struct:

Offset Data Type Content
0 uint16 Version of the order list. Only version 0 is defined. Reject any other values.
2 uint32 Number of items in the order list
6 uint32[] The order list, as a series of uint32 values. The number of values is determined by the previous field.

Custom Tunings (old)[edit]

This section is for OpenMPT versions before r192. For newer versions, check 228 Extensions.

Before OpenMPT r192, the only feature that was only available in the MPTM format was Custom Tunings. MPTM files that were made before r192 have a cwtv value between 0x0888 and 0x088C (inclusive).

These MPTM files contain a "Tuning Collection" chunk that contains all the custom tunings that are specific to the song (called "Tune specific tunings" in OpenMPT), which is right after the OpenMPT song extensions. It is then followed by a "Tuning Map" that determines which tuning each instrument should use.

A Tuning Collection could also exist separately in a .TC file, that can be exported/imported into an MPTM file in the Tuning Properties dialog.

In an MPTM file, the last four bytes pointed to the start of the "Tune specific tunings" Tuning Collection, similar to how they point to the start of 228 extensions in newer (cwtv > 0x088C) MPTM files.

Tuning Collection structure[edit]

The structure of a Tuning Collection is as follows:

Data type Content/Description
char[4] Tuning Collection beginning signature: HSCT (4 bytes)
int32 Tuning Collection version: Always 1 or 2.
uint8 or uint32 Length of the Tuning Collection's name.

Data type:

  • uint8 if the Tuning Collection version is 2.
  • uint32 if the Tuning Collection version is 1.
char[] Tuning Collection name. The current version of OpenMPT reads a maximum of 256 (0x100) characters.

If the collection is in a TC file, its name is the same as what it was in OpenMPT when the TC file was exported.
But in MPTM files, only the tune-specific tuning collection is stored, and its name is always Tune specific tunings.

int16 Tuning Collection edit mask.

A set of 16 bits that was used to specify which settings of the tunings can be changed, but is no longer used in newer versions of OpenMPT.

uint32 Number of tunings in the collection. The current version of OpenMPT does not load custom tunings at all if the number of tunings in an MPTM file is greater than 50.
(custom structure) The tunings in this collection, stored right after each other. The structure of a tuning is described below.
char[4] Tuning Collection end signature: FSCT (4 bytes)

Tuning structure[edit]

The structure of a Custom Tuning is as follows:

Data type Content/Description
char[8] Tuning beginning signature: CTRTI_B. (8 bytes)
int16 Tuning version: Always 2 or 3.
char[8] Tuning SFS chunk beginning signature: CT<sfs>B (8 bytes)
int16 Tuning SFS chunk version: Always 3 or 4.
uint8 or uint32 Length of the tuning's name.

Data type:

  • uint8 if the SFS chunk version is 4.
  • uint32 if the SFS chunk version is 3.
char[] Tuning name. The current version of OpenMPT reads a maximum of 65535 (0xFFFF) characters.
int16 Tuning edit mask.

A set of 16 bits that was used to specify which settings of the tuning can be changed, but is no longer used in newer versions of OpenMPT.

int16 Tuning type.
  • 0: Generic
  • 1: Group-geometric (originally called "Ratio-periodic")
  • 3: Geometric (originally called "TET")

Newer versions of OpenMPT that use the new tuning format will convert old Geometric tunings to Group-geometric for compatibility reasons.

uint16 or uint32 Size of the tuning's note name map. Maximum value is 65535 (0xFFFF), even if the datatype is uint32.

Data type:

  • uint16 if the SFS chunk version is 4.
  • uint32 if the SFS chunk version is 3.
(custom structure) The tuning's note name map. Contains the names of notes that have custom names. The structure is described in further below.
char[8] Tuning SFS chunk end signature: CT<sfs>E (8 bytes)
uint16 or uint32 Size of the tuning's ratio table. Maximum value is 65535 (0xFFFF), even if the datatype is uint32. This value is usually set to 256 (or 0 if the ratio table is unneeded).

Data type:

  • uint16 if the tuning version is 3.
  • uint32 if the tuning version is 2.
float32[] The tuning's ratio table. Contains the frequency ratios for every note. If all ratios are 1, the ratio table is unneeded, so its size would be 0.

Unlike the newer tuning format that uses 228 extensions, this table contains ratios for every note in every group, regardless of the tuning type.

uint16 or uint32 Finetune steps. Maximum value is 65535 (0xFFFF), even if the datatype is uint32.

Data type:

  • uint16 if the tuning version is 3.
  • uint32 if the tuning version is 2.
float32[] An array of finetune step ratios, containing the same number of values as the finetune steps value.

The first value is 1, and each value is r(1/finetunesteps) times the previous value,
where r is the ratio of note 1 (the note after the middle note) to note 0 (the middle note).
This table no longer exists in the newer tuning format that uses 228 extensions.

int16 First note index in the ratio table. Usually set to -128.

The current version of OpenMPT rejects values smaller than -200 and greater than 200.

int16 Group size.

For generic tunings, this value is 0.

float32 Group ratio.

For generic tunings, this value is 0.

char[8] Tuning end signature: CTRTI_E. (8 bytes)

Many of the values that are stored for each tuning are redundant. For example, the ratio table contains ratios for every note, regardless of the tuning type, even though it makes sense to only have ratios for a single group in group-geometric tunings, and to not be stored at all in geometric tunings. But they still have to be stored for these old versions of OpenMPT to work correctly. However, these redundancies no longer exist in the newer tuning format that uses 228 extensions.

Tuning note name map structure[edit]

The structure of a single entry in the note name map is as follows:

Data type Content/Description
int16 Note number.
uint8 or uint32 Length of the note name.

Data type:

  • uint8 if the tuning's SFS chunk version is 4.
  • uint32 if the tuning's SFS chunk version is 3.
char[] Note name. The current version of OpenMPT reads a maximum of 65535 (0xFFFF) characters.

This structure is stored for every note that has a custom name.

For geometric and group-geometric tunings, only the notes of a single group, where the note numbers are between 0 and groupsize-1 (inclusive). The note names for that single group are then applied to every group (group/octave numbers are not a part of the note name).

Tuning Map structure[edit]

The structure of a tuning map is identical to that of the new 228 tuning format (documented here), but with a difference if the cwtv value is 0x088B or older:

The number of tunings in the map and the length of the tuning names in the map are both stored as uint32 instead of uint16 and uint8 respectively.


OpenMPT uses its own xtra chunk in RIFF WAVE files to store some sample properties which could otherwise not be represented in the format.

Its layout is as follows:

Offset Data Type Content
0 uint32 Sample flags (0x20: Default panning is enabled)
4 uint16 Default panning (0...256)
6 uint16 Default volume (0...256)
8 uint16 Global volume (0...64)
10 uint16 (Reserved, must be 0)
12 uint8 Auto-vibrato type
13 uint8 Auto-vibrato sweep
14 uint8 Auto-vibrato depth
15 uint8 Auto-vibrato rate

Optionally, when copying a sample to the system clipboard, the sample name (32 characters, null-padded) and filename (22 characters, null-padded) follow.


Since the FLAC format has no native and standardized way to store loop information, OpenMPT follows Renoise′s way of storing loop information: FLAC supports application-defined metadata, so OpenMPT writes a metadata block with application ID riff. The block contains a smpl chunk (as defined in the RIFF specification). Similarly, extended sample properties are stored in another riff application block contaning the OpenMPT-specific xtra chunk, and sample cue points are stored in a cue  chunk.

OpenMPT also reads and writes the following non-standard Vorbis comments:

  • SAMPLERATE: Contains the sample rate (as text) in case it would exceed the maximum sample rate supported by the FLAC format, 1,048,575 Hz (655350 Hz for older versions).
  • LOOPSTART: The start of the sample loop in frames. This tag is only read, not written.
  • LOOPLENGTH: The length of the sample loop in frames. This tag is only read, not written.