Manual: Channel Manager

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The Channel Manager allows you to configure some attributes of all channels at once. You can Mute / Unmute, toggle Record Select, toggle a channel’s plugin assignments, or reorder or remove channels.

There are two states a channel in this window can be in — selected and / or enabled. Selecting a channel will turn its button white, while de-selecting it will turn it back to grey. Enabling a channel will change the colour of the status light (on the left side of each channel’s button), but the meaning of each colour depends on the attribute you are changing. Note that channel selection is independent of channel enabling.

There are different ways to activate functions in each window, but here are the things that are common to all of them:

  • Control + Left-click on a channel button selects the channel.
  • Control + Right-click on a channel button de-selects the channel.
  • Select All: Selects all of the channels at once.
  • Invert Selection: Selects all channels not currently selected, while de-selecting those that are. To select all but one channel, select the channel you do not want, then click on Invert Selection.
  • Store: Remembers the selection state and the enabled state of each channel in a temporary memory. Each page has its own memory, so you can store the settings for each channel, for each page.
  • Restore: Reverts the channel settings from memory to their previous states when they were last stored (except in the Reorder / Remove page, which enables all channels and returns them to their previous positions, since the last Apply).
  • Middle-click: Opens the Quick Channel Settings.

The rest of the options differ between pages and are described below:

Solo/Mute Channels[edit]

In this page you can quickly mute and unmute many channels at once. You can also designate one or more channels as a Solo channel, which mutes all other channels.

A solo channel is indicated by a green icon, and muted channels by a red icon. A normal unmuted channel′s icon has the same colour as the window′s background.

Solo/Mute Channels
  • Left-click: Sets the clicked channel to Solo, which mutes all other channels.
  • Right-click: Toggles the Mute status of the clicked channel.
  • Solo: Toggles the selected channels between Solo, which enables the Mute of all other channels, and Unmuted.
  • Mute: Toggles the Mute status of the selected channels.

Record Select[edit]

In this page you can set up which channels should be used for live recording. There are two record groups which can be used independently for entering notes into. If the edit cursor is in either group, it will stay in channels designated to this group while entering notes. If the edit cursor is in neither group, it will stay on the same channel while entering notes. A channel can only be part of one record group at a time.

Record Select
  • Left-click: Toggles assignment to the first record group. A green icon indicates that the channel is assigned to this record group.
  • Right-click: Toggles assignment to the second record group. A red icon indicates that the channel is assigned to this record group.
  • Instrument 1: Assigns all selected channels to the first record group, or removes them from the record group if they previously were all part of the first record group.
  • Instrument 2: Likewise, this assigns all selected channels to the second record group, or removes them from the record group if they previously were all part of the second record group.


In this page you can enable or disable the audio processing of each channel’s assigned plugins (if any). Channels with enabled plugins are marked with a green icon, “dry” channels use a red icon. Note that instrument plugins are not affected by this setting.

Plugin Processing
  • Left-click: Enables plugin processing on this channel.
  • Right-click: Disables plugin processing on this channel.
  • Enable FX: Enables all selected channels’ plugins.
  • Disable FX: Disables all selected channels’ plugins.


The effects of this page are unalterable, so use with care. Here you can alternate channel positions, moving them around by clicking and dragging, as described below. At the same time, you can also remove channels.

A green icon indicates that the channel will be kept, and a red icon means that a channel will be removed if Apply is hit.

Reorder / Remove
  • Left-click: “Grabs” the selected channel’s button(s) so you can move it to a new location. Drag the selection to another channel, release the mouse button, and the selected button will be placed before the chosen channel.
  • Right-click: Toggles the designation for the channel’s removal. When a channel is enabled, it will remain after removal is applied. When it is disabled, it will be prepared for deletion. If you close the Channel Manager without applying, the channels’ deletion order will be reset and nothing will be applied.
  • Remove: Designates the selected channels for removal.
  • Cancel All: Restores the positions and removal state of all channels.
  • Apply: Reorders the positions of the channels in the track, and removes all disabled channels from the track and compacts the channels.