Manual: Setup/Display

While OpenMPT does not use skins or themes in its display scheme, you can set the colourisation of some of the more important GUI elements from within the Display page and change other display-related settings.
Display Options[edit]
Pattern Font[edit]
Lets you choose the font that is used in the pattern editor. OpenMPT has two built-in space-saving fonts, which can also be scaled up for High-DPI devices. You may also choose any other installed font by pressing the Custom button. Not all fonts will look good in OpenMPT, and it is recommended to use a monospaced font. Bitmap fonts will work particularly well at small font sizes, as many vector fonts are not designed to look nice below 10pt without anti-aliasing. If you are looking for some nice font replacements, it may be a good idea to look out for programming-oriented fonts online, or replicas of old BIOS fonts for a more retro look (e.g. Oldschool PC Fonts).
Comments Font[edit]
Lets you choose the font that is used for displaying the comments text. By default, this is Courier New at 12pt.
OpenMPT can display accidentals either as sharps (♯) or flats (♭). Here you can choose your preference. This setting does not affect custom tunings.
Default Channel Colours[edit]
You can choose the default colouring scheme applied to pattern channel headers: No Colours, a continuous Rainbow or Random (alternating rainbow colours). These colours are applied to newly created modules, imported modules that do not have any colours set up yet or when resetting the colours from the channel header context menu in the pattern editor.
Enable Effect Highlighting[edit]
Checking this box enables colour for the text in the Pattern Editor. If this is not checked, all pattern field contents are drawn in the same foreground colour.
Remember each song's window positions[edit]
When enabled, OpenMPT stores the window layout of each edited song so that you can continue working right where you left off when saving the file. These display settings are not stored in the module files themselves, but in a separate configuration file.
Clear Song Cache[edit]
Allows you to delete the cached window positions saved by the previous option.
Primary Highlight[edit]
The Primary Highlight is the same colour as the “Highlighted” box for the Pattern Editor component, and is equivalent to the Rows per Measure of the time signature. This value is only used as a default for newly-created modules and formats that do not support saving this value (MOD and S3M).
Secondary Highlight[edit]
The Secondary Highlight is a lighter version of the Primary Highlight, and equates to the Rows per Beat highlight of the time signature. This value is only used as a default for newly-created modules and formats that do not support saving this value (MOD and S3M).
Colour Schemes[edit]
As you select a different component to set colours for, various colour boxes will appear below the Preview box at the bottom. Click on any of these to call up a standard Windows colour selection dialog, where you can choose your colour. As you change a colour, the Preview box allows you to see what it will look like in its context (except for the VU Meters and channel separators).
Pattern Editor[edit]
The basic colours for rows in the Pattern Editor. The foreground colour is for all fields without data.
Active Row[edit]
The highlighting for the Active Row where the cursor is located. The foreground colour is for fields without data.
Pattern Selection[edit]
The highlight for any selected area, including the cursor.
Play Cursor[edit]
The colour for the row where the playback pointer is currently located. The foreground colour will be applied to fields without data.
Note Highlight[edit]
The colours for the text or symbols within the Note and Instrument fields as well as volume commands.
Effect Highlight[edit]
The colour for the text or symbols within the effect columns. To make each command type stand out, you can differentiate between Panning, Pitch, and Global commands.
Invalid Commands[edit]
The colour for any field which contains data that is non-compatible for the track type. Currently, this is only used for notes that are outside the Amiga frequency range when enabling the Amiga Frequency Limits setting in MOD and S3M files.
Channel Separator[edit]
The colours for the lines that separate the channels in the Pattern Editor. You can define the colours for each of the three lines that make up the Channel Separator.
Next/Prev Pattern[edit]
The transparency tint to apply to the patterns that are displayed before and after the current pattern, which is only visible if the “Always center active row” and the “Show prev/next pattern” options are checked in the General Options page.
Sample Editor[edit]
The colour to apply to the waveform data in the Sample Display.
Instrument Editor[edit]
The colour to apply to the envelope lines in the Envelope Window.
VU Meters[edit]
The colours to use on the VU meters on the main toolbar, General page and in the channel headers of sample-based channels in the Pattern Editor.
VU Meters (Plugins)[edit]
The colours to use on the VU meters for synthesis-based channels (plugins / FM instruments) in the channel headers of the Pattern Editor.
In this section, you can choose from a variety of colour presets from a drop-down list. Use the other two buttons two load and save your own colour schemes.