Manual: Quick Start / Project Assistant

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Quick Start / Project Assistant Window

The Project Assistant is shown whenver no modules are loaded, such as right after starting OpenMPT. It allows you to quickly access recently-edited modules, your template modules, example modules, or to quickly create a new module.

New / Open[edit]

These two big buttons allow you to quickly create a new module (using the default settings for newly created files) or bring up a file browser to load an existing module.


This filter allows you to limit the file list below to only file names and paths matching the filter. You can use the * wildcard to search for any number of characters, or the ? wildcard to search for a single character. To quickly navigate the search results, you can use the cursor keys within this input field to quickly navigate between the filtered results, and press the Return to load the selected file.

File List[edit]

This section contains three lists:

  • Recent Files: The files that were opened most recently in OpenMPT. You can right-click one or more files and remove them from the list, or clear the entire recent file list.
  • Templates: This section only shows up if you have previously saved any template files, and it lists them all.
  • Example Modules: If you want to check out one of the many example songs that ship with OpenMPT, you can quickly locate them here.

Double-click a module file to open it. Multiple files can be select by pressing Shift to create a range selection, or Ctrl to add and remove individual files from the selection. All selected files can be opened at once by clicking the Open Selected button or pressing the Return key while the file list is focussed.