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It's official! will probably remove this soon

Alternate Effect Reference Page[edit]

This is a list of all effects that can be used in the Pattern Editor.
Commands that go into the effect column use uppercase effect letters (e.g. G05), while effects that go into the volume column use lowercase effect letters (e.g. g05).

It should be noted that although the MOD and XM formats share a similar set of effects, the S3M, IT, and MPTM formats share a very different set of effects (even if they duplicate many of the features from the MOD and XM formats).

Currently, most effects only affect samples, not instrument plugins. Since this might change in the future, such effects should be avoided on channels that make use of instrument plugins.

The behaviour of some effects is influenced by the Compatible Playback settings.

Effect Layout[edit]

Axy: Effect letter
Axy: Parameter

An effect command consists of one character (the “effect letter”) followed by the value that will be applied (the “parameter”), which is a hexadecimal number in the effect column and a decimal number in the volume column.

If the notation for a parameter is given as xx, it means that a 2-digit hexadecimal number is expected.
For this notation, 62h would be equal to 98, 29h would be equal to 41, and E8h would be equal to 232.

If the notation is xy, it means that for x and y each, a 1-digit hexadecimal number is expected.
For this notation, each of the digits in 62h would be read separately — as 6 and 2. Similarly, 29h would mean 2 and 9, and E8h would mean 14 and 8.

If you do not wish to manually convert decimal to hexadecimal and vice versa, you can double-click on a pattern cell or press the ▤ Application key (by default) to open the Note Properties dialog. From there, you can adjust the effect parameters using sliders and see their meaning.

Note that the parameter range of some commands is limited, such as the XM command Cxx, whose maximum value is 40h (64). Entering out-of-range values is not recommended as they might be interpreted differently by non-conforming players.

Frequency Units[edit]

If Linear Frequency Slides are enabled, each unit of a pitch sliding effect (e.g. Exx or Gxx in the IT / MPTM format) is equal to 116 of a semitone. Extra fine (e.g. EEx or FEx) units are equal to 164 of a semitone.

Otherwise, the unit of a pitch sliding effect is one period, a metric inverse to frequency. This means that the lower the current note, the smaller the effect of one pitch slide unit, and the higher the note, the bigger the effect is. The period of a frequency can be calculated by dividing 3,546,895 by the frequency (3,579,364 in the XM format).

Linear Frequency Slides are not available in the MOD and S3M formats.

Common Effect Parameters[edit]

Most effect parameters follow a simple scheme, but some effects also use a look-up table for their parameters. Depending on the effect, different parameters might do completely different things. Some common look-up table effects are described below.

Waveform Types[edit]

Some oscillator effects (namely Vibrato, Tremolo and Panbrello) use preset oscillator waveforms. They can be changed using special commands; the possible parameters of these commands are listed here.

S3M / IT / MPTM Formats[edit]

Parameter Waveform
0 (default) Sine (retrigger)
1 Sawtooth (retrigger)
2 Square (retrigger)
3 Random (retrigger)

MOD / XM Formats[edit]

Parameter Waveform Parameter Waveform
0 (default) Sine (retrigger) 4 Sine (continue)
1 Sawtooth (retrigger) 5 Sawtooth (continue)
2 Square (retrigger) 6 Square (continue)
3 Random (retrigger) 7 Random (continue)

Retrigger means that the oscillator waveform is played from its starting point when a new note is played.
Continue means that the waveform continues at its last playback position when a new note is played. This waveform type is exclusive to the MOD and XM formats.

Every oscillator waveform is 64 points long, and the speed parameter denotes by how many points per tick the play position is advanced. So at a vibrato speed of 2, the vibrato waveform repeats after 32 ticks.

Retrigger Volume[edit]

The Retrigger command (Rxy in the XM format, Qxy in the S3M / IT / MPTM formats) does not only retrigger the note every y ticks, but also changes the note volume depending on the x value.

The following table explains the meaning of every possible x parameter:

Parameter Effect Parameter Effect
0 (XM) Last x value
(S3M / IT / MPTM) No volume change
8 No volume change
1 Volume - 1 9 Volume + 1
2 Volume - 2 A Volume + 2
3 Volume - 4 B Volume + 4
4 Volume - 8 C Volume + 8
5 Volume - 16 D Volume + 16
6 Volume × ⅔ E Volume × 1.5
7 Volume × ½ F Volume × 2

Sound Control[edit]

The sound control effect (X9x in the XM format, S9x in the S3M / IT / MPTM formats) can be used to control various aspects of sound playback. Possible parameters are listed here.

Using any of these commands outside of the MPTM format (except S91 which is native to only the IT and MPTM formats) is considered a ModPlug hack.

Parameter Name Description
0 Surround Off Disables surround playback on the current channel.
This should only be used when using Quad Surround Panning.
To keep compatibility with other trackers, a normal panning effect should be used in Center Surround mode.
1 Surround On Enables surround playback on the current channel.
When using stereo playback, the right channel of a sample is played with inversed phase (Pro Logic Surround). When using quad playback, the rear channels are used for playing this channel.
8 Reverb Off Disables Reverb on the current channel.
9 Reverb On As there is no per-song configuration for reverb available, use of this command is discouraged. Use a reverb plugin instead.
Enables Reverb on the current channel.
The reverb parameters from the DSP Setup are used.
A Center Surround Sets the surround mode to Center Surround for all channels. This is the default mode.
The S91 command will place the channel in the center of the rear channels. Any panning command will bring it back to the front channels.
B Quad Surround Sets the surround mode to Quad Surround for all channels.
In this mode, panning commands can adjust the position of the rear channels.
Switching between the front and rear channels can only be done by using the S91 and S90 commands.
C Global Filters Sets filter mode to Global on all channels (Impulse Tracker behaviour).
In this mode, when resonant filters are enabled with a Zxx effect, they will stay active until explicitly disabled by setting the cutoff frequency to the maximum (Z7F), and the resonance to the minimum (Z80).
D Local Filters Sets filter mode to Local on all channels.
In this mode, the resonant filter will only affect the current note and will revert when a new note is played.
E Play Forward Forces the current sample to play forward.
F Play Backward Forces the current sample to play backward.

MOD Effect Commands[edit]

Effect Column[edit]

The MOD format only allows use of the effect column; there are no volume column commands.

All parameter values are hexadecimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
0xy Arpeggio Yes Plays an arpeggiation of three notes in one row, cycling between the current note, current note + x semitones, and current note + y semitones. Pitch
1xx Portamento Up No Increases current note pitch by xx units on every tick of the row except the first. Pitch
2xx Portamento Down No Decreases current note pitch by xx units on every tick of the row except the first. Pitch
3xx Tone Portamento Yes Slides the pitch of the previous note towards the current note by xx units on every tick of the row except the first. Pitch
4xy Vibrato Yes Executes vibrato with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected vibrato waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
5xy Volume Slide + Tone Portamento No Functions like Axy with 300.
Parameters are used like Axy.
6xy Volume Slide + Vibrato No Functions like Axy with 400.
Parameters are used like Axy.
7xy Tremolo Yes Executes tremolo with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected tremolo waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
8xx Set Panning Sets the current channel's panning position.
Ranges from 00h (left) to FFh (right).
9xx Sample Offset Yes Starts playing the current sample from position x × 256, instead of position 0.
Ineffective if there is no note in the same pattern cell.
Axy Volume Slide No Slides the current note volume up or down.
  • A0y decreases note volume by y units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • Ax0 increases note volume by x units on every tick of the row except the first.
Bxx Position Jump Causes playback to jump to pattern position xx.
B00 would restart a song from the beginning (first pattern in the Order List).
If Dxx is on the same row, the pattern specified by Bxx will be the pattern Dxx jumps in.
Ranges from 00h to 7Fh (127; maximum amount of patterns for the MOD format).
Global (Pattern)
Cxx Set Volume Sets the current note volume to xx.
Ranges from 00h (off) to 40h (full).
Dxx Pattern Break Jumps to row xx of the next pattern in the Order List.
If the current pattern is the last pattern in the Order List, Dxx will jump to row xx of the first pattern.
If Bxx is on the same row, the pattern specified by Bxx will be the pattern Dxx jumps in.
Ranges from 00h to 3Fh (64; maximum amount of rows for each pattern in the MOD format).
Global (Pattern)
E0x Set Filter Configures the Amiga's LED lowpass filter.
  • E00 enables emulation of the lowpass filter.
  • E01 disables emulation of the lowpass filter.

Enabling the filter makes the sound output more muffled and is not recommended.
Using this effect is only recommended to explicitly disable the filter for environments where it might not be disabled by default (such as a real Amiga system).
OpenMPT only emulates the lowpass filter if the Amiga resampler is enabled in the Mixer settings.

E1x Fine Portamento Up No Similar to 1xx, but only applies on the first tick of the row. Pitch
E2x Fine Portamento Down No Similar to 2xx, but only applies on the first tick of the row. Pitch
E3x Glissando Control This effect is not widely supported and behaves quirky in OpenMPT.
Configures whether tone portamento effects slide by semitones or not.
  • E30 disables glissando.
  • E31 enables glissando.
E4x Set Vibrato Waveform Sets the waveform of future Vibrato effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Pitch
E5x Set Finetune Sets the finetune value for the current sample.
Functions similarly to the same setting in the Sample Editor.
E60 Pattern Loop Start Marks the current row position to be used as the start of a pattern loop. Global (Pattern)
E6x Pattern Loop Each time this command is reached, jumps to the row marked by E60 until x jumps have occured in total.
If E6x is used in a pattern with no E60 effect, E6x will use the row position marked by any previous E60 effect.
Pattern loops cannot span multiple patterns.
Ranges from 1h to Fh.
Global (Pattern)
E7x Set Tremolo Waveform Sets the waveform of future Tremolo effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Volume
E8x Set Panning 8xx is a much finer panning effect.
Sets the current channel's panning position.
Ranges from 0h (left) to Fh (right).
E9x Retrigger No Retriggers the current note every x ticks.
This effect works with parameters greater than the current Speed setting if the row after it also contains an E9x effect.
EAx Fine Volume Slide Up No Similar to Ax0, but only applies on the first tick of the row. Volume
EBx Fine Volume Slide Down No Similar to A0y, but only applies on the first tick of the row. Volume
ECx Note Cut Sets note volume to 0 after x ticks.
If x is greater than or equal to the current module Speed, this command is ignored.
EDx Note Delay Delays the note or instrument change in the current pattern cell by x ticks.
If x is greater than or equal to the current module Speed, the current pattern cell's contents are never played.
EEx Pattern Delay Repeats the current row x times.
Notes are not retriggered on every repetition, but effects are still processed.
If multiple EEx commands are found on the same row, only the leftmost is considered.
Global (Pattern)
EFx Invert Loop Commands This effect permanently modifies the module file when encountered during playback.
  • EFx, when used with a looped sample, goes through the sample loop and inverts all sampling points (i.e. changes the sign) one by one at speed x.
  • EF0 cancels EFx.

Samples modified by this effect cannot be recovered automatically (e.g. no undo point is created).

Fxx Set Speed / Tempo Avoid using 20h or 00h as parameters.
  • Sets the module Speed (ticks per row) if xx is less than 20h.
  • Sets the module Tempo if xx greater than or equal to 20h.

Some players (including old OpenMPT versions) differ in their interpretations of F20.
F00 does nothing in OpenMPT, but some players stop the song when they encounter it.

Global (Timing)

Effect Memory:
Assuming that all available parameters for a given effect (e.g. xx, xy, x, or y) are equivalent to 0:

  • No means that the command does nothing.
  • Yes means that the effect calls its own parameter memory.
    For example, if the effect 482 is followed by the effect 400 on a subsequent row, the 400 effect recalls the effect parameter 82h.
  • means that the value has no special meaning.
    For example, C00 sets note volume to 0, 800 sets the channel's panning position to hard left, B00 jumps to the first pattern, etc.

XM Effect Commands[edit]

Fasttracker II's XM format uses an extended version of the MOD command set.

As Fasttracker II was a rather buggy program, many effect commands may behave in a quirky way. Always enable the default FT2 compatible playback settings for the best possible emulation of those quirks.

Effect Column[edit]

Some effects and features mentioned here are not actually part of the original XM format specifications. They will be labeled ModPlug hacks, as they are not compatible with Fasttracker II. Use of these effects in the XM format is strongly discouraged; if you wish to use them, you should use a different format with equivalent, natively implemented effects.

All parameter values are hexadecimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
0xy Arpeggio No Plays an arpeggiation of three notes in one row, cycling between the current note, current note + x semitones, and current note + y semitones. Pitch
1xx Portamento Up Yes Increases current note pitch by xx units on every tick of the row except the first. Pitch
2xx Portamento Down Yes Decreases current note pitch by xx units on every tick of the row except the first. Pitch
3xx Tone Portamento Yes Slides the pitch of the previous note towards the current note by xx units on every tick of the row except the first. Pitch
4xy Vibrato Yes Executes vibrato with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected vibrato waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
5xy Volume Slide + Tone Portamento Yes Functions like Axy with 300.
Parameters are used like Axy.
6xy Volume Slide + Vibrato Yes Functions like Axy with 400.
Parameters are used like Axy.
7xy Tremolo Yes Executes tremolo with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected tremolo waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
8xx Set Panning Sets the current sample's panning position.
As every sample has an enforced default panning, this setting is reset by any future entries in the instrument column.
Ranges from 00h (left) to FFh (right).
9xx Sample Offset Yes Starts playing the current sample from position x × 256, instead of position 0.
Ineffective if there is no note in the same pattern cell.
Axy Volume Slide Yes Slides the current note volume up or down.
  • A0y decreases note volume by y units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • Ax0 increases note volume by x units on every tick of the row except the first.
Bxx Position Jump Causes playback to jump to pattern position xx.
B00 would restart a song from the beginning (first pattern in the Order List).
If Dxx is on the same row and to the right of Bxx, the pattern specified by Bxx will be the pattern Dxx jumps in.
Global (Pattern)
Cxx Set Volume Sets the current note volume to xx.
Ranges from 00h (off) to 40h (full).
Dxx Pattern Break To maintain compatibility with Fasttracker II, you shouldn't jump past row 3Fh (63).
Jumps to row xx of the next pattern in the Order List.
If the current pattern is the last pattern in the Order List, Dxx will jump to row xx of the first pattern.
If Bxx is on the same row and to the left of Bxx, the pattern specified by Bxx will be the pattern Dxx jumps in.
Global (Pattern)
E1x Fine Portamento Up Yes Similar to 1xx, but only applies on the first tick of the row. Pitch
E2x Fine Portamento Down Yes Similar to 2xx, but only applies on the first tick of the row. Pitch
E3x Glissando Control This effect is not widely supported and behaves quirky in OpenMPT.
Configures whether tone portamento effects slide by semitones or not.
  • E30 disables glissando.
  • E31 enables glissando.
E4x Set Vibrato Waveform Sets the waveform of future Vibrato effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Pitch
E5x Set Finetune Sets the finetune value for the current sample.
Functions similarly to the same setting in the Sample Editor.
E60 Pattern Loop Start A Fasttracker II bug makes use of this command non-trivial.
Marks the current row position to be used as the start of a pattern loop.
When E60 is used on pattern row x, the following pattern also starts from row x instead of row 0.
This can be circumvented by using a D00 command on the last row of the same pattern.
Global (Pattern)
E6x Pattern Loop Each time this command is reached, jumps to the row marked by E60 until x jumps have occured in total.
If E6x is used in a pattern with no E60 effect, E6x will use the row position marked by any previous E60 effect.
Pattern loops cannot span multiple patterns.
Ranges from 1h to Fh.
Global (Pattern)
E7x Set Tremolo Waveform Sets the waveform of future Tremolo effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Volume
E8x Set Panning 8xx is a much finer panning effect.
Sets the current channel's panning position.
Ranges from 0h (left) to Fh (right).
E9x Retrigger No Retriggers the current note every x ticks.
This effect works with parameters greater than the current Speed setting if the row after it also contains an E9x effect.
EAx Fine Volume Slide Up Yes Similar to Ax0, but only applies on the first tick of the row. Volume
EBx Fine Volume Slide Down Yes Similar to A0y, but only applies on the first tick of the row. Volume
ECx Note Cut Sets note volume to 0 after x ticks.
If x is greater than or equal to the current module Speed, this command is ignored.
EDx Note Delay This command is very buggy (e.g. portamento effects next to a note delay are ignored). You should not rely on these bugs to be emulated by other players.
Delays the note or instrument change in the current pattern cell by x ticks.
If x is greater than or equal to the current module Speed, the current pattern cell's contents are never played.
EEx Pattern Delay Repeats the current row x times.
Notes are not retriggered on every repetition, but effects are still processed.
If multiple EEx commands are found on the same row, only the rightmost is considered.
Global (Pattern)
EFx Set Active Macro This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Selects the active parametered macro for the current channel.
Fxx Set Speed / Tempo Avoid using 00h as a parameter.
  • Sets the module Speed (ticks per row) if xx is less than 20h.
  • Sets the module Tempo if xx greater than or equal to 20h.

In OpenMPT and Fasttracker II, F00 sets the Speed to 65535 ticks per row, but in other players it may stop the song entirely, or simply do nothing.

Global (Timing)
Gxx Set Global Volume Sets the global volume.
Ranges from 00h (off) to 40h (full).
Hxy Global Volume Slide Yes Similar to Axy, but applies to the global volume. Volume
Kxx Key Off Avoid using 00h as a parameter; it interferes with other entries (e.g. notes, instruments) in the same pattern cell.
Triggers a Note Off command after xx ticks.
Lxx Set Envelope Position Sets the volume envelope playback position to xx ticks.
If the volume envelope’s sustain point is enabled, the panning envelope position is also changed.
Pxy Panning Slide Yes Slides the current sample's panning position left or right.
  • P0y slides the panning to the left by y units on the first tick of the row.
  • Px0 slides the panning to the right by x units on the first tick of the row.
Rxy Retrigger Yes This command is very buggy (e.g. if a volume command is in the same pattern cell as Rxy, it will skip some ticks).
Retriggers the current note every y ticks and changes the volume based on the x value (see the Retrigger Volume table for more details).
Txy Tremor Yes Rapidly switches the sample volume on and off on every tick of the row except the first.
Volume is on for x + 1 ticks and off for y + 1 ticks.
For instrument plugins (ModPlug hack), this command sends note-on and note-off messages instead of modifying the volume.
X1x Extra Fine Portamento Up Yes Similar to E1x, but with 4 times the precision. Pitch
X2x Extra Fine Portamento Down Yes Similar to E2x, but with 4 times the precision. Pitch
X5x Set Panbrello Waveform This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Sets the waveform of future Panbrello effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
X6x Fine Pattern Delay This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Extends the current row by x ticks.
If multiple X6x commands are found on the same row, the sum of their parameters is used.
Global (Pattern)
X9x Sound Control This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Executes a sound control command (see the Sound Control table for more details).
XAx High Offset This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Sets the high offset for future 9xx commands.
x × 65536 (10000h) is added to all offset effects that follow this command.
Yxy Panbrello Yes This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Executes Panbrello with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected Panbrello waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
Zxx MIDI Macro This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Executes a MIDI Macro.
\xx Smooth MIDI Macro This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Executes an interpolated MIDI Macro.

Volume Column[edit]

The following commands can be entered into the effect column.

All parameter values are decimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
axx Fine Volume Slide Up No Functions like EAx (slides the volume up xx units on the first tick). Volume
bxx Fine Volume Slide Down No Functions like EBx (slides the volume down xx units on the first tick). Volume
cxx Volume Slide Up No Functions like A0y (slides the volume up xx units on all ticks except the first). Volume
dxx Volume Slide Down No Functions like Ax0 (slides the volume down xx units on all ticks except the first). Volume
gxx Tone Portamento No Functions like 3xx (pitch-bends from the previous note to the current note).
Compared to 3xx, parameters are 16 times more coarse (e.g. g01 = 310).
Combining the effect with 3xx will double the effect parameter (e.g. g01 would act like g02) and ignores the 3xx command.
Ineffective if EDx is in the same pattern cell.
hxx Vibrato Depth Yes Executes vibrato with depth xx and speed from the last 4xy or u0x command. Pitch
lxx Panning Slide Left No Functions like P0y (slides the panning left by xx units). Panning
pxx Set Panning No Sets the current channel's panning position.
This effect only accepts 4-bit parameters (with 16 distinct values); when saving the file, parameters that aren't multiples of 4 will be rounded down to a multiple of 4 (e.g. 55 will save as 52 and 5 will save as 4).
Ranges from 0 (left) to 64 (right).
rxx Panning Slide Right No Functions like Px0 (slides the panning right by xx units). Panning
uxx Vibrato Speed No Sets the vibrato speed to xx, but does not execute a vibrato. Pitch
vxx Set Volume No Sets the current note volume to xx.
The behaviour of this command when sent to instrument plugins can be configured in the Instrument Editor (ModPlug hack).
Ranges from 0 (off) to 64 (full).

Effect Memory:
Assuming that all available parameters for a given effect (e.g. xx, xy, x, or y) are equivalent to 0:

  • No means that the command does nothing.
  • Yes means that the effect calls its own parameter memory.
    For example, if the effect 482 is followed by the effect 400 on a subsequent row, the 400 effect recalls the effect parameter 82h.
  • means that the value has no special meaning.
    For example, C00 sets note volume to 0, 800 sets the channel's panning position to hard left, B00 jumps to the first pattern, etc.

S3M Effect Commands[edit]

Scream Tracker′s S3M format uses a command set that is entirely different from the MOD and XM formats'. Its use of the volume column is very limited.

The format was soon extended by other programs and players to support more effect commands (e.g. 7-Bit panning, panning slides, channel volume, etc.). Though these are also supported by OpenMPT, they are not original Scream Tracker 3 commands, and thus will be marked as such below.

Effect Column[edit]

The following commands can be entered into the effect column.

All parameter values are hexadecimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
Axx Set Speed No Sets the module Speed (ticks per row). Global (Timing)
Bxx Position Jump Causes playback to jump to pattern position xx.
B00 would restart a song from the beginning (first pattern in the Order List).
If Cxx is on the same row, the pattern specified by Bxx will be the pattern Cxx jumps in.
Global (Pattern)
Cxx Pattern Break Jumps to row xx of the next pattern in the Order List.
If the current pattern is the last pattern in the Order List, Cxx will jump to row xx of the first pattern.
If Bxx is on the same row, the pattern specified by Bxx will be the pattern Cxx jumps in.
Ranges from 00h to 3Fh (64; maximum amount of pattern rows for the S3M format); higher values are ignored.
Global (Pattern)
Dxy Volume Slide
or Fine Volume Slide
Global Slides the current note volume up or down.
  • D0y decreases note volume by y units on every tick of the row except the first.
    If y is Fh, volume decreases on every tick.
  • Dx0 increases note volume by x units on every tick of the row except the first.
    Volume will not exceed 64 (40h).
  • DFy finely decreases note volume by only applying y units on the first tick of the row.
    y cannot be Fh.
  • DxF finely increases note volume by only applying x units on the first tick of the row.
    x cannot be Fh.
Exx Portamento Down
or Fine Portamento Down
or Extra Fine Portamento Down
Global Decreases current note pitch by xx units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • EFx finely decreases note pitch by only applying x units on the first tick of the row.
  • EEx extra-finely decreases note pitch by applying with 4 times the precision of EFx.
Fxx Portamento Up
or Fine Portamento Up
or Extra Fine Portamento Up
Global Increases current note pitch by xx units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • EFx finely increases note pitch by only applying x units on the first tick of the row.
  • EEx extra-finely increases note pitch by applying with 4 times the precision of EFx.
Gxx Tone Portamento Yes Slides the pitch of the previous note towards the current note by xx units on every tick of the row except the first. Pitch
Hxy Vibrato Yes Executes vibrato with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected vibrato waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
Shares memory with Uxy.
Ixy Tremor Global Rapidly switches the sample volume on and off.
Volume is on for x ticks and off for y ticks.
Jxy Arpeggio Global Plays an arpeggiation of three notes in one row, cycling between the current note, current note + x semitones, and current note + y semitones. Pitch
Kxy Volume Slide + Vibrato Global Functions like Dxy with H00.
Parameters are used like Dxy.
Lxy Volume Slide + Tone Portamento Global Functions like Dxy with G00.
Parameters are used like Dxy.
Mxx Set Channel Volume This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Sets the current channel volume, which multiplies all note volumes it encompasses.
Ranges from 00h (off) to 40h (full).
Nxy Channel Volume Slide Yes This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Similar to Dxy, but applies to the current channel's volume.
Oxx Sample Offset Yes Starts playing the current sample from position x × 256, instead of position 0.
Ineffective if there is no note in the same pattern cell.
Pxy Panning Slide
or Fine Panning Slide
Yes This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Slides the current channel's panning position left or right.
  • P0y slides the panning to the right by y units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • Px0 slides the panning to the left by x units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • PFy finely slides the panning to the right by only applying y units on the first tick of the row.
    y cannot be Fh.
  • PxF finely slides the panning to the left by only applying x units on the first tick of the row.
    x cannot be Fh.
Qxy Retrigger Global Retriggers the current note every y ticks and changes the volume based on the x value (see the Retrigger Volume table for more details). Miscellaneous
Rxy Tremolo Global Executes tremolo with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected tremolo waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
S1x Glissando Control This effect is not widely supported and behaves quirky in OpenMPT.
Configures whether tone portamento effects slide by semitones or not.
  • S10 disables glissando.
  • S11 enables glissando.
S2x Set Finetune Considered a legacy command.
Overrides the current sample's C-5 frequency with a MOD finetune value.
S3x Set Vibrato Waveform Sets the waveform of future Vibrato effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Pitch
S4x Set Tremolo Waveform Sets the waveform of future Tremolo effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Volume
S5x Set Panbrello Waveform This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Sets the waveform of future Panbrello effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
S6x Fine Pattern Delay Extends the current row by x ticks.
If multiple S6x commands are on the same row, the sum of their parameters is used.
Global (Pattern)
S8x Set Panning Xxx is a much finer panning effect.
Sets the current channel's panning position.
Ranges from 0h (left) to Fh (right).
S9x Sound Control This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Executes a sound control command (see the Sound Control table for more details).
SAx High Offset This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Sets the high offset for future Oxx commands.
x × 65536 (10000h) is added to all offset effects that follow this command.
SB0 Pattern Loop Start Marks the current row position to be used as the start of a pattern loop. Global (Pattern)
SBx Pattern Loop Each time this command is reached, jumps to the row marked by SB0 until x jumps have occurred in total.
If SBx is used in a pattern with no SB0 effect, SBx will use the row position marked by any previous SB0 effect.
Pattern loops cannot span multiple patterns.
Ranges from 1h to Fh.
Global (Pattern)
SCx Note Cut Stops the current sample after x ticks.
If x is 0, or greater than or equal to the current module Speed, this command is ignored.
SDx Note Delay Delays the note or instrument change in the current pattern cell by x ticks.
If x is 0, or greater than or equal to the current module Speed, the current pattern cell's contents are never played.
SEx Pattern Delay Repeats the current row x times.
Notes are not retriggered on every repetition, but effects are still processed.
If multiple SEx commands are on the same row, only the leftmost command is used.
Global (Pattern)
T0x Decrease Tempo Yes Decreases the module Tempo by x BPM on every tick of the row except the first. Global (Timing)
T1x Increase Tempo Yes Increases the module Tempo by x BPM on every tick of the row except the first. Global (Timing)
Txx Set Tempo No Sets the module Tempo if xx is greater than or equal to 20h. Global (Timing)
Uxy Fine Vibrato Yes Similar to Hxy, but with 4 times the precision.
Shares memory with Hxy.
Vxx Set Global Volume Sets the global volume.
Ranges from 00h (off) to 40h (full).
Wxy Global Volume Slide Yes This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Similar to Dxy, but applies to the global volume.
Xxx Set Panning Sets the current channel's panning position.
  • XA4 enables surround playback on the current channel.
    When using stereo playback, the right channel of a sample is played with inversed phase (Pro Logic Surround).
    When using quad playback, the rear channels are used for the inversed phase instead.

Surround mode can be disabled by using a different Xxx command on the same channel it was enabled on.
Ranges from 00h (left) to 80h (right).

Yxy Panbrello Yes This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Executes panbrello with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected panbrello waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
Zxx MIDI Macro This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Executes a MIDI Macro.
Since MIDI Macros are not stored in S3M files, only the default macro configuration can be used to control the resonant filter.

Volume Column[edit]

The following commands can be entered into the volume column.

All parameter values are decimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
pxx Set Panning No This is not an original Scream Tracker 3 effect.
Sets the current channel's panning position to xx.
Ranges from 0 to 64 (decimal).
vxx Set Volume No Sets the current note volume to xx.
Ranges from 0 to 64 (decimal).

Effect Memory:
Assuming that all available parameters for a given effect (e.g. xx, xy, x, or y) are equivalent to 0:

  • No means that the command does nothing.
  • Yes means that the effect calls its own parameter memory.
    For example, if the effect H82 is followed by the effect H00 on a subsequent row, the H00 command recalls the effect parameter 82h.
  • means that the value has no special meaning.
    For example, V00 sets the global volume to 0, X00 sets the channel's panning position to hard left, B00 jumps to the first pattern, etc.
  • Global means that the effect calls any previous non-zero parameter in the same column.
    For example, if the effect E22 is followed by I00, the I00 command recalls the effect parameter 22h.

AdLib / OPL3 Instruments[edit]

OpenMPT supports AdLib / OPL3 instruments in the S3M format, but not all effects are compatible with them. Below is a list of effects that do not function with AdLib / OPL3 instruments in S3M files:

  • Oxx (Sample Offset)
  • S9x (Sound Control)
  • SAx (High Offset)
  • XA4 (Enable Surround)

The following effects are not supported in ScreamTracker 3 but with AdLib / OPL3 instruments in OpenMPT:

  • Mxx (Set Channel Volume)
  • Nxy (Channel Volume Slide)

Additionally, since AdLib / OPL3 instruments only support hard left, center, and hard right panning, the range of Xxx and pxx are effectively restricted to those positions.

IT Effect Commands[edit]

Impulse Tracker's IT format uses a command set that expands upon the S3M format's, adding several new effects and improving effect memory usage.

Effect Column[edit]

The following commands can be entered into the effect column.

All parameter values are hexadecimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
Axx Set Speed No Sets the module Speed (ticks per row). Global (Timing)
Bxx Position Jump Causes playback to jump to pattern position xx.
B00 would restart a song from the beginning (first pattern in the Order List).
If Cxx is on the same row, the pattern specified by Bxx will be the pattern Cxx jumps in.
Global (Pattern)
Cxx Pattern Break Jumps to row xx of the next pattern in the Order List.
If the current pattern is the last pattern in the Order List, Cxx will jump to row xx of the first pattern.
If Bxx is on the same row, the pattern specified by Bxx will be the pattern Cxx jumps in.
Ranges from 00h to the next pattern's row length; higher values are treated as 00h.
Global (Pattern)
Dxy Volume Slide
or Fine Volume Slide
Yes Slides the current note volume up or down.
  • D0y decreases note volume by y units on every tick of the row except the first.
    If y is Fh, volume decreases on every tick.
  • Dx0 increases note volume by x units on every tick of the row except the first.
    Volume will not exceed 64 (40h).
  • DFy finely decreases note volume by only applying y units on the first tick of the row.
    y cannot be Fh.
  • DxF finely increases note volume by only applying x units on the first tick of the row.
    x cannot be Fh.
Exx Portamento Down
or Fine Portamento Down
or Extra Fine Portamento Down
Yes Decreases current note pitch by xx units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • EFx finely decreases note pitch by only applying x units on the first tick of the row.
  • EEx extra-finely decreases note pitch by applying with 4 times the precision of EFx.
Fxx Portamento Up
or Fine Portamento Up
or Extra Fine Portamento Up
Yes Increases current note pitch by xx units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • EFx finely increases note pitch by only applying x units on the first tick of the row.
  • EEx extra-finely increases note pitch by applying with 4 times the precision of EFx.
Gxx Tone Portamento Yes Slides the pitch of the previous note towards the current note by xx units on every tick of the row except the first. Pitch
Hxy Vibrato Yes Executes vibrato with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected vibrato waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
Shares memory with Uxy.
Ixy Tremor Yes Rapidly switches the sample volume on and off.
Volume is on for x ticks and off for y ticks. For instrument plugins (ModPlug hack), this command sends note-on and note-off messages instead of modifying the volume.
Jxy Arpeggio Yes Plays an arpeggiation of three notes in one row, cycling between the current note, current note + x semitones, and current note + y semitones. Pitch
Kxy Volume Slide + Vibrato Yes Functions like Dxy with H00.
Parameters are used like Dxy.
Lxy Volume Slide + Tone Portamento Yes Functions like Dxy with G00.
Parameters are used like Dxy.
Mxx Set Channel Volume Sets the current channel volume, which multiplies all note volumes it encompasses.
Ranges from 00h (off) to 40h (full).
Nxy Channel Volume Slide Yes Similar to Dxy, but applies to the current channel's volume. Volume
Oxx Sample Offset Yes Starts playing the current sample from position x × 256, instead of position 0.
Ineffective if there is no note in the same pattern cell.
Pxy Panning Slide
or Fine Panning Slide
Yes Slides the current channel's panning position left or right.
  • P0y slides the panning to the right by y units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • Px0 slides the panning to the left by x units on every tick of the row except the first.
  • PFy finely slides the panning to the right by only applying y units on the first tick of the row.
    y cannot be Fh.
  • PxF finely slides the panning to the left by only applying x units on the first tick of the row.
    x cannot be Fh.
Qxy Retrigger Yes Retriggers the current note every y ticks and changes the volume based on the x value (see the Retrigger Volume table for more details). Miscellaneous
Rxy Tremolo Yes Executes tremolo with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected tremolo waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
S1x Glissando Control This effect is not widely supported and behaves quirky in OpenMPT.
Configures whether tone portamento effects slide by semitones or not.
  • S10 disables glissando.
  • S11 enables glissando.
S2x Set Finetune Considered a legacy command.
Overrides the current sample's C-5 frequency with a MOD finetune value.
S3x Set Vibrato Waveform Sets the waveform of future Vibrato effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Pitch
S4x Set Tremolo Waveform Sets the waveform of future Tremolo effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Volume
S5x Set Panbrello Waveform Sets the waveform of future Panbrello effects (see the Waveform Types table for more details). Pitch
S6x Fine Pattern Delay Extends the current row by x ticks.
If multiple S6x commands are on the same row, the sum of their parameters is used.
Global (Pattern)
S70 Past Note Cut Cuts all notes playing as a result of New Note Actions on the current channel. Miscellaneous
S71 Past Note Off Sends a Note Off to all notes playing as a result of New Note Actions on the current channel. Miscellaneous
S72 Past Note Fade Fades out all notes playing as a result of New Note Actions on the current channel. Miscellaneous
S73 NNA Note Cut Sets the currently active note's New Note Action to Note Cut. Miscellaneous
S74 NNA Note Continue Sets the currently active note's New Note Action to Continue. Miscellaneous
S75 NNA Note Off Sets the currently active note's New Note Action to Note Off. Miscellaneous
S76 NNA Note Fade Sets the currently active note's New Note Action to Note Fade. Miscellaneous
S77 Volume Envelope Off Disables the currently active note's volume envelope. Miscellaneous
S78 Volume Envelope On Enables the currently active note's volume envelope. Miscellaneous
S79 Panning Envelope Off Disables the currently active note's panning envelope. Miscellaneous
S7A Panning Envelope On Enables the currently active note's panning envelope. Miscellaneous
S7B Pitch Envelope Off Disables the currently active note's pitch or filter envelope. Miscellaneous
S7C Pitch Envelope On Enables the currently active note's pitch envelope. Miscellaneous
S8x Set Panning Xxx is a much finer panning effect.
Sets the current channel's panning position.
Ranges from 0h (left) to Fh (right).
S9x Sound Control Only S91 is an original Impulse Tracker command.
Executes a sound control command (see the Sound Control table for more details).
SAx High Offset Sets the high offset for future Oxx commands.
x × 65536 (10000h) is added to all offset effects that follow this command.
SB0 Pattern Loop Start Marks the current row position to be used as the start of a pattern loop. Global (Pattern)
SBx Pattern Loop Each time this command is reached, jumps to the row marked by SB0 until x jumps have occurred in total.
If SBx is used in a pattern with no SB0 effect, SBx will use the row position marked by any previous SB0 effect.
Pattern loops cannot span multiple patterns.
Ranges from 1h to Fh.
Global (Pattern)
SCx Note Cut Stops the current sample after x ticks.
If x is greater than or equal to the current module Speed, this command is ignored.
If x is 0, it will be treated as if it were 1.
SDx Note Delay Delays the note or instrument change in the current pattern cell by x ticks.
If x is greater than or equal to the current module Speed, the current cell's contents are not played.
If x is 0, it will be treated as if it were 1.
SEx Pattern Delay Repeats the current row x times.
Notes are not retriggered on every repetition, but effects are still processed.
If multiple SEx commands are on the same row, only the leftmost command is used.
Global (Pattern)
SFx Set Active Macro Sets the current channel's active parametered macro. Miscellaneous
T0x Decrease Tempo Yes Decreases the module Tempo by x BPM on every tick of the row except the first. Global (Timing)
T1x Increase Tempo Yes Increases the module Tempo by x BPM on every tick of the row except the first. Global (Timing)
Txx Set Tempo No Sets the module Tempo if xx is greater than or equal to 20h. Global (Timing)
Uxy Fine Vibrato Yes Similar to Hxy, but with 4 times the precision.
Shares memory with Hxy.
Vxx Set Global Volume Sets the global volume.
Ranges from 00h (off) to 80h (full).
Wxy Global Volume Slide Yes Similar to Dxy, but applies to the global volume. Volume
Xxx Set Panning Sets the current channel's panning position.
Ranges from 00h (left) to FFh (right).
Yxy Panbrello Yes Executes panbrello with speed x and depth y on the current note.
Modulates with selected panbrello waveform (see the Waveform Types table for more details).
Zxx MIDI Macro Executes a MIDI Macro. Miscellaneous
\xx Smooth MIDI Macro This effect is a ModPlug hack.
Executes an interpolated MIDI Macro.

Volume Column[edit]

The following commands can be entered into the volume column.

All parameter values are decimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
a0x Fine Volume Slide Up Yes Functions like DxF (slides the volume up x units on the first tick). Volume
b0x Fine Volume Slide Down Yes Functions like DFy (slides the volume down x units on the first tick). Volume
c0x Volume Slide Up Yes Functions like Dx0 (slides the volume up x units on all ticks except the first). Volume
d0x Volume Slide Down Yes Functions like D0y (slides the volume down x units on all ticks except the first). Volume
e0x Portamento Down Yes Similar to Exx.
Compared to Exx, parameters are 4 times more coarse (e.g. e01 = E04).
f0x Portamento Up Yes Similar to Fxx.
Compared to Fxx, parameters are 4 times more coarse (e.g. f01 = F04).
g0x Tone Portamento Yes Similar to Gxx.
Below is a table that translates g0x parameters to Gxx parameters:
g0x Gxx
g00 G00
g01 G01
g02 G04
g03 G08
g04 G10
g0x Gxx
g05 G20
g06 G40
g07 G60
g08 G80
g09 GFF
h0x Vibrato Depth Yes Executes a vibrato with depth x and speed from the last Hxy or Uxy command. Pitch
pxx Set Panning Sets the current channel's panning position to xx.
Ranges from 0 to 64.
vxx Set Volume Sets the current note volume to xx.
The behaviour of this command when sent to instrument plugins can be configured in the Instrument Editor (ModPlug hack).

Effect Memory:
Assuming that all available parameters for a given effect (e.g. xx, xy, x, or y) are equivalent to 0:

  • No means that the command does nothing.
  • Yes means that the effect calls its own parameter memory.
    For example, if the effect H82 is followed by the effect H00 on a subsequent row, the H00 command recalls the effect parameter 82h.
  • means that the value has no special meaning.
    For example, V00 sets the global volume to 0, X00 sets the channel's panning position to hard left, B00 jumps to the first pattern, etc.
Volume Column Effect Memory:
  • All volume slide effects in the volume column share effect memory with each other.
  • e0x and f0x share effect memory with Exx and Fxx (respectively).

MPTM Effect Commands[edit]

OpenMPT′s MPTM format is heavily based on the IT format and its effect command set, but it does add several new features.

Effect Column[edit]

OpenMPT's MPTM format generally uses the same effect commands as the IT format. Commands from the IT section that are labeled as ModPlug hacks or unsupported by Impulse Tracker may be freely used in the MPTM format.

The following additional commands, exclusive to the MPTM format, can be entered in the effect column.

All parameter values are hexadecimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
S7D Force Pitch Envelope Enables the currently active note's pitch envelope and forces it to act as a pitch envelope (rather than a filter cutoff envelope). Miscellaneous
S7E Force Filter Envelope Enables the currently active note's pitch envelope and forces it to act as a filter cutoff envelope (rather than a pitch envelope). Miscellaneous
:xy Note Delay + Cut Delays the note in the current pattern cell by x ticks and cuts it after x + y ticks.
If x is greater than or equal to the current module Speed, the note will be ignored (and as such, cannot be cut with y).
If x + y is greater than or equal to the current module Speed, only the note cut will be ignored.
#xx Parameter Extension Extends the parameter of the last Bxx, Cxx, Oxx or Txx command. If placed after such a command, the parameter values are combined.
If there is only one #xx command below the actual command (the limit for Bxx, Cxx, and Txx), xx is added to the parameter of the original command × 256.
For Oxx, up to 4 rows can be combined. The fourth row is multiplied by 1, the third by 256 (100h), the second by 65536 (10000h), and so on.


ModPlug Tracker MPT

In this example, the hexadecimal sample offset is (21h × 10000h) + (2h × 100h) + 1h = 210201h.
In decimal, it is (33 × 65536) + (2 × 256) + 1 = 2,163,201.


Volume Column[edit]

In addition to all of the IT format's volume column commands, the following commands can be entered in the volume column.

All parameter values are decimal.

Eff Name Mem Description Category
o0x Sample Cue Yes Starts playing the current sample from cue point x, instead of position 0.
By default, x × 2048 is used; specific cue points can be chosen in the Sample Editor.
Ineffective if there is no note in the same pattern cell.
Shares effect memory with Oxx.

Effect Memory:
Assuming that all available parameters for a given effect (e.g. xx, xy, x, or y) are equivalent to 0:

  • Yes means that the effect calls its own parameter memory.
    For example, if the effect H82 is followed by the effect H00 on a subsequent row, the H00 command recalls the effect parameter 82h.
  • means that the value has no special meaning.
    For example, V00 sets the global volume to 0, X00 sets the channel's panning position to hard left, B00 jumps to the first pattern, etc.

AdLib / OPL3 Instruments[edit]

OpenMPT supports AdLib / OPL3 instruments in the MPTM format, but not all effects are compatible with them. Below is a list of effects that do not function with AdLib / OPL3 instruments in MPTM files:

  • Oxx (Sample Offset)
  • S9x (Sound Control) parameters other than Ch and Dh (Global & Local Filters)
  • SAx (High Offset)
  • o0x (Sample Cue)

Additionally, since AdLib / OPL3 instruments only support hard left, center, and hard right panning, the range of Xxx and pxx are effectively restricted to those positions.

Parameter Control Events[edit]

Another feature similar to effects that is only available in MPTM files are Parameter Control Events, which can be used to automate plugin parameters.