Manual: Keyboard Actions
This is a list of all customisable keyboard actions in OpenMPT. They can be configured in the Keyboard Setup dialog.
Default key combinations listed in the tables below assume a US keyboard layout. Generally, alphanumeric keys in shortcuts will stay the same in other keyboard layouts (so Ctrl+Z does not turn into Ctrl+Y on a German layout), with the exception of note entry keys, which are set up based on their position on the keyboard instead (so on a French keyboard, A, Q and W are used for playing a C across three octaves even though the table below says Q, A and Z). Non-alphanumeric keys generally vary a lot between keyboard layouts, so there might not be a direct mapping to your keyboard layout — the key might have a completely different label or not exist at all. You can always review the actual key combinations used by OpenMPT on your setup by reviewing them in the Keyboard setup dialog.
Note: Keyboard shortcuts that clash with the default text editing shortcuts of the operating system (e.g. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Z, etc.) are ignored when the input focus is within a text field.
Global Keys[edit]
Global keyboard shortcuts work on most parts of OpenMPT as long as one of the program’s windows is focussed.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
File/New | Ctrl+N | Creates a new song. The currently edited song is not closed, as OpenMPT can have multiple documents open at the same time. |
File/Open | Ctrl+O | Opens one or more existing songs. |
File/Append Module | Appends (merges) the song data (samples, instruments, plugins, patterns and sequences) of one or more existing songs to the currently active song. | |
File/Close | Ctrl+W | Closes the current song. You are prompted to save the song if it has been modified. |
File/Close All | Shift+Ctrl+W | Closes all open songs. You are prompted to save modified songs. |
File/Save | Ctrl+S | Saves the song to disk. |
File/Save As | Shift+Ctrl+S | Allows you to save the file with a new name or in another folder. |
File/Save Copy | Allows you to save a copy of the file. The next Save action will update the file at its original location again. | |
File/Save As Template | Creates a template from the current song. | |
File/Open Template | Opens a file picker in the template module folder. | |
File/Stream Export | Exports the current track into a lossless or lossy streaming file. | |
File/Export as MIDI | Exports the current track into the .mid format. See the section on MIDI export for a detailed explanation of how this file is exported. | |
File/Export OPL Register Dump | Exports the current track into one of several OPL register dump formats. See the section on OPL export for a detailed explanation of how this file is exported. | |
File/Compatibility Export | Exports the current track without any file format hacks to its original format. | |
File/Import MIDI Library | Imports the MIDI Instrument Library of your choosing. The MIDI Library can be accessed from the Tree View. | |
File/Add Sound Bank | Imports a sound bank of your choosing. Sound banks can be accessed from the Tree View. | |
Previous Document | Goes to the previous module file that is open (these are visible in the Windows Menu). | |
Next Document | Goes to the next module file that is open (these are visible in the Windows Menu). | |
Play Song / Pause Song | F5 | Toggles the playback of the current track. The playback cursor is not reset when using this toggle; that is, it plays from where the cursor left off when it was last pressed. |
Play Song / Stop Song | Toggles the playback of the current track. The playback cursor is reset to the start of the song. | |
Pause Song | F8 | Only stops the playback of the current track but does not reset the playback pointer. |
Stop Song | Escape | Stops the playback of the current track and resets the playback cursor to the start of the song. |
Play Song from Start | F6 | Resets the playback cursor to the very first row and begins playback from there. |
Play Song from Cursor / Pause | Resets the playback cursor to the row where the editing cursor is set, and begins playback from there if playback is currently stopped, otherwise it pauses playback. Playback will continue until the end of the track. | |
Play Song from Cursor | Ctrl+F6 | Resets the playback cursor to the row where the editing cursor is set, and begins playback from there. Playback will continue until the end of the track. |
Play Song from Pattern Start / Pause | Resets the playback cursor to the first row of the currently edited pattern and begins playback from there if playback is currently stopped, otherwise it pauses playback. | |
Play Song from Pattern Start | Resets the playback cursor to the first row of the currently edited pattern and begins playback from there. | |
Play Pattern from Start | F7 | Loops the current pattern, starting at the first row of the pattern. |
Play Pattern from Cursor | Ctrl+F7 | Loops the current pattern, starting at the row where the editing cursor is currently placed. |
Toggle Loop Song | Enables or disables the song loop status. | |
Panic | Stops all sample, OPL and plugin instrument voices. | |
Estimate Song Length | Estimates the playback length of the entire track. | |
Show Approx. Real BPM | Estimates the beats per minute of the song, based on the current tempo and the number of ticks per row, plus the Tempo Mode in the Song Properties dialog. | |
Toggle MIDI Record | F9 | Toggles the MIDI Record option. |
Increase Tempo | Increases the tempo of the currently playing module by 1 BPM. This does not modify the initial tempo setting of the song, just current playback and can be overridden by tempo pattern commands. | |
Decrease Tempo | Decreases the tempo of the currently playing module by 1 BPM. This does not modify the initial tempo setting of the song, just current playback and can be overridden by tempo pattern commands. | |
Increase Tempo (Fine) | Increases the tempo of the currently playing module by 0.1 BPM if the module format supports fractional tempos. This does not modify the initial tempo setting of the song, just current playback and can be overridden by tempo pattern commands. | |
Decrease Tempo (Fine) | Decreases the tempo of the currently playing module by 0.1 BPM if the module format supports fractional tempos. This does not modify the initial tempo setting of the song, just current playback and can be overridden by tempo pattern commands. | |
Increase Ticks per Row | Increases the speed of the currently playing module by 1 tick per row. This does not modify the initial Ticks per Row setting of the song, just current playback and can be overridden by speed pattern commands. | |
Decrease Ticks per Row | Decreases the speed of the currently playing module by 1 tick per row. This does not modify the initial Ticks per Row setting of the song, just current playback and can be overridden by speed pattern commands. | |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Rescinds the last edit in the pattern or sample editor. |
Redo | Ctrl+Y, Ctrl+Shift+Z | Reapplies the last undone action. |
Cut | Ctrl+X | Copies the selected pattern, sample or instrument data into the clipboard, then removes it from the selection it occupies. |
Copy | Ctrl+C | Copies the selected pattern, sample or instrument data into the clipboard. |
Paste | Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert | Pastes data from the clipboard. In the pattern editor, it is pasted at the location of the cursor, overwriting any pattern data that falls within the paste area. With sample data, clipboard contents replace the whole sample. |
Mix Paste | Shift+Ctrl+V | Mixes clipboard contents with existing data. In the pattern editor, clipboard contents are pasted in the same row at the same column of the current (visible) pattern where the cursor is located, except where there is already any data in any corresponding field of the paste area. In the sample editor, the source and clipboard sample waveforms are mixed together. |
Mix Paste (IT Style) | For detailed differences between Mix Paste and Mix Paste (IT Style), consult the Pattern Editor help. The two commands are identical when used in the sample editor. | |
Paste Flood | Shift+V | Clipboard contents are pasted from the cursor, repeating the data paste until every row in the pattern has been filled and pasting over any data in its path. |
Push Forward Paste (Insert) | Ctrl+Alt+V | Patterns: Clipboard contents are inserted at the row of the cursor, and pushing all data below that row further down the pattern. Any data of the affected channels pushed beyond the pattern’s last row is deleted. Samples: The sample data from the clipboard replaces the current selection. If there is no selection, the sample is inserted at the last selected position. |
Select All | Ctrl+5 | Selects all pattern or sample data. |
Find / Replace | Ctrl+F | Opens the Find/Replace dialog, which allows you to search for and/or replace given pattern data. Find starts from the cursor location. |
Find Next | F3 | Applies the current Find settings and searches for the next data that matches it, starting from the current cursor location. |
View General | Alt+G | Opens the General Tab of the currently focussed module. |
View Pattern | Alt+P | Opens the Pattern Tab. |
View Samples | Alt+S | Opens the Sample Tab. |
View Instruments | Alt+N | Opens the Instrument Tab. |
View Comments | Alt+C, Shift+F9 | Opens the Comments Tab. |
Toggle Main Toolbar | Shows / hides the Main Toolbar. | |
Toggle Tree View | Ctrl+F2 | Shows / hides the Tree View. |
View Options | Ctrl+F1 | Opens the Setup dialog. |
View Channel Manager | Opens the Channel Manager. | |
View Plugin Manager | Opens the Plugin Manager dialog. | |
View Song Properties | Opens the Song Properties dialog. | |
View Global Tempo Swing Settings | Opens the Tempo Swing Settings dialog for the song’s global time signature. If modern tempo mode is not enabled yet, the Song Properties dialog is opened instead so that it can be enabled. | |
View Zxx Macro Configuration | Opens the MIDI Macro Configuration dialog. | |
View MIDI Mapping | Ctrl+F3 | Opens the MIDI Mapping dialog. |
View Edit History | Opens the Edit History. | |
Toggle Between Upper / Lower View | Switches keyboard focus between the upper and lower half of the currently focussed song view. | |
Switch to Instrument Library | Alt + I | Sets keyboard focus to the Instrument Library, or switches back to the last used editor window if the tree view already has focus. |
Help | F1 | Opens the manual. |
Open Context Menu | ▤ Application, Shift+F10 | Opens the context menu for the currently selected item. |
Previous Instrument | Ctrl+Numpad/, Ctrl+Up | Changes the current instrument to the previous one in order. |
Next Instrument | Ctrl+Numpad*, Ctrl+Down | Changes the current instrument to the next one in order. |
Previous Octave | Numpad/ | Changes the current octave to the next lower octave. |
Next Octave | Numpad* | Changes the current octave to the next higher octave. |
Previous Order (Transition at end of current measure) | Changes the current pattern to the previous one in the pattern order once the current measure has finished playing. The new pattern continues playing at the same position. | |
Next Order (Transition at end of current measure) | Changes the current pattern to the next one in the pattern order once the current measure has finished playing. The new pattern continues playing at the same position. | |
Previous Order (Transition at end of current beat) | Changes the current pattern to the previous one in the pattern order once the current beat has finished playing. The new pattern continues playing at the same position. | |
Next Order (Transition at end of current beat) | Changes the current pattern to the next one in the pattern order once the current beat has finished playing. The new pattern continues playing at the same position. | |
Previous Order (Transition at end of current row) | Changes the current pattern to the previous one in the pattern order once the current row has finished playing. The new pattern continues playing at the same position. | |
Next Order (Transition at end of current row) | Changes the current pattern to the next one in the pattern order once the current row has finished playing. The new pattern continues playing at the same position. | |
Dummy Shortcut | Some keyboard shortcuts are created automatically by OpenMPT (e.g. the combinations of pressing the selection key together with navigation keys). If you need to prevent OpenMPT from automatically assigning a specific key combination, you can assign it to this dummy shortcut instead, so it will not be usable by automatically generated shortcuts. This will also prevent the key combination from being used by new default key combinations added by future OpenMPT updates. |
Order List[edit]
These keyboard shortcuts operate while the cursor focus is in the Order List.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Delete Order | Delete | Erases the currently selected pattern(s) in the Order List (the pattern itself is not removed, only the reference). |
Insert Order | Insert | Duplicates the currently selected pattern reference(s) in the Order List. |
Insert Separator | Ctrl+Insert | Inserts a separator item (+++) at the next position. |
Copy Orders | Ctrl+Shift+C | Copies the currently selected pattern references in the Order List to the clipboard. |
Edit Pattern | Enter | Resets the Pattern Editor to show the highlighted pattern. |
Switch to Pattern Editor | Tab | Moves the cursor focus to the Pattern Editor. There is also a more general version of this shortcut that works for all other song views as well (“Toggle Between Upper / Lower View”). |
Previous Order | Left, Up | Selects the previous pattern in the Order List. |
Next Order | Right, Down | Selects the following pattern in the Order List. |
First Order | Home | Selects the first pattern in the Order List. |
Last Order | End | Selects the final pattern in the Order List. |
Pattern Index Digit [0 - 9] | 0-9, Numpad0-Numpad9 | Enters the respective numeral into the pattern ID box. |
Increase Pattern Index | =, Numpad+ | Adds one to the pattern number, up to the highest indexed pattern. |
Decrease Pattern Index | -, Numpad- | Subtracts one from the pattern number, to a minimum of index 0. |
Separator Index | I | Adds a separator pattern item (+++) at the current position. |
Stop Index | Space | Adds a stop pattern item (---) at the current position. |
Lock Playback to Selection | Ctrl+L | Song playback is locked to the patterns in the current order selection. |
Unlock Playback | Ctrl+U | If playback has been limited to an order selection before, the playback lock can be removed here. |
Queue Pattern (Transition at end of current pattern) | Q | The selected order list item is queued to be played next, after the current pattern has finished playing. |
Queue Pattern (Transition at end of current measure) | Shift+Q | The selected order list item is queued to be played next, after the current measure has finished playing. |
Queue Pattern (Transition at end of current beat) | Alt+Q | The selected order list item is queued to be played next, after the current beat has finished playing. |
Queue Pattern (Transition at end of current row) | Shift+Alt+Q | The selected order list item is queued to be played next, after the current row has finished playing. |
Stream Export | Opens the Wave Export dialog for the selected patterns. |
Quick Channel Settings[edit]
These keyboard shortcuts operate while the Quick Channel Settings dialog is open.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Previous Channel | Alt+Left, Shift+Backspace | Shows the channel settings for the previous channel. |
Next Channel | Alt+Right, Shift+Enter | Shows the channel settings for the next channel. |
Pick Color from Previous Channel | Shift+Alt+Left | Assigns the color of the previous channel to the current channel. |
Pick Color from Next Channel | Shift+Alt+Right | Assigns the color of the next channel to the current channel. |
Switch to Pattern Editor | Enter | Closes the dialog and returns to the Pattern Editor. |
General Context[edit]
These keyboard shortcuts will work if the cursor focus is within any of the columns of the Pattern Editor, except where noted. When navigating (moving the cursor) to before the first row or after the last row in the pattern, the cursor “wraps” to the other side of the same pattern, if the “Cursor Wrap” option is enabled (in the Options section of the General tab of the Setup dialog). If navigating beyond the first or last row when the “Continuous Scroll” option is enabled, the cursor will instead move to the previous/next pattern in the order list.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Navigate Down by 1 Row | Down | Moves the cursor to the next row in the same column. |
Navigate Up by 1 Row | Up | Moves the cursor to the previous row in the same column. |
Navigate Down by Spacing | Alt+Down | Moves the cursor down by the value in the Row Spacing field. |
Navigate Up by Spacing | Alt+Up | Moves the cursor up by the value in the Row Spacing field. |
Navigate Left | Left | Moves the cursor to the previous column in the same row, going to the previous channel′s last column if moving from the first column of the current channel. |
Navigate Right | Right | Moves the cursor to the next column in the same row, going to the next channel’s first column if moving from the last column of the current channel. |
Navigate to Next Channel | Tab | Moves the cursor to the same column in the same row in the next channel. |
Navigate to Previous Channel | Shift+Tab | Moves the cursor to the same column in the same row in the previous channel. |
Jump Down by Measure | PageDown | Moves the cursor down by the number in the Rows/measure field (of the Song Properties dialog). |
Jump Up by Measure | PageUp | Moves the cursor up by the number in the Rows/measure field (of the Song Properties dialog). |
Jump Down by Beat | Alt+PageDown | Moves the cursor down by the number in the Rows/beat field (of the Song Properties dialog). |
Jump Up by Beat | Alt+PageUp | Moves the cursor up by the number in the Rows/measure field (of the Song Properties dialog). |
Snap Down to Measure | Moves the cursor down to the first row of the next measure, as determined by the number in the Rows/measure field (of the Song Properties dialog). | |
Snap Up to Measure | Moves the cursor up to the first row of the previous measure, as determined by the number in the Rows/measure field (of the Song Properties dialog). | |
Snap Down to Beat | Ctrl+Alt+PageDown | Moves the cursor down to the first row of the next beat, as determined by the number in the Rows/beat field (of the Song Properties dialog). |
Snap Up to Beat | Ctrl+Alt+PageUp | Moves the cursor up to the first row of the previous beat, as determined by the number in the Rows/beat field (of the Song Properties dialog). |
Jump to Previous Entry in Column | Ctrl+Alt+Up | Moves the cursor to the next non-empty cell (note, instrument, etc.) of the currently selected column above the current cursor position. When combined with the Selection key, the selection will be extended to the next non-empty cell in the current pattern only. Otherwise, this command continues to search for a non-empty cell in the previous patterns. |
Jump to Next Entry in Column | Ctrl+Alt+Down | Moves the cursor to the next non-empty cell (note, instrument, etc.) of the currently selected column below the current cursor position. When combined with the Selection key, the selection will be extended to the next non-empty cell in the current pattern only. Otherwise, this command continues to search for a non-empty cell in the next patterns. |
Go to First Channel | Home | Moves the cursor to the first column of the first channel in the same row. |
Go to First Row | Ctrl+Home | Moves the cursor to the first row of the same channel in the same column. |
Go to First Row of First Channel | Ctrl+Alt+Home | Moves the cursor to the first column of the first channel in the first row. |
Go to Last Channel | End | Moves the cursor to the last column of the last channel in the same row. |
Go to Last Row | Ctrl+End | Moves the cursor to the last row of the same channel in the same column. |
Go to Last Row of Last Channel | Ctrl+Alt+End | Moves the cursor to the last column of the last channel in the last row. |
Go to note column | Moves the cursor to the note column of the current pattern cell. | |
Go to instrument column | Moves the cursor to the instrument column of the current pattern cell. | |
Go to volume effect column | Moves the cursor to the volume effect column of the current pattern cell. | |
Go to effect comamnd column | Moves the cursor to the effect command column of the current pattern cell. | |
Go to effect parameter column | Moves the cursor to the effect parameter column of the current pattern cell. | |
Previous Pattern | Numpad- | Displays the previous pattern in the order list, moving the cursor to its equivalent position in it. |
Next Pattern | Numpad+ | Displays the next pattern in the order list, moving the cursor to its equivalent position in it. |
Previous Sequence | Ctrl+Alt+- | Cycles to the previous sequence. If the current sequence is the first, the last sequence is selected. |
Next Sequence | Ctrl+Alt++ | Cycles to the next sequence. If the current sequence is the last, the first sequence is selected. |
Scroll Left | Scrolls the pattern editor to the left without changing the cursor position. | |
Scroll Right | Scrolls the pattern editor to the right without changing the cursor position. | |
Scroll Up | Scrolls the pattern editor up without changing the cursor position. | |
Scroll Down | Scrolls the pattern editor down without changing the cursor position. | |
Selection Key | Shift | The modifier key to be used to extend the selection when navigating with keyboard shortcuts. |
Copy Select Key | Ctrl | The modifier key to be used to copy the selection when dragging with the mouse. |
Select Channel / Select All | Ctrl+L | Selects all events of the channel where the cursor is located in the current pattern, or all events in the pattern if the entire channel is already selected. |
Select Column | Ctrl+Shift+L | Selects the column in which the cursor is located in all rows of the current pattern. |
Select Row | Completely selects all rows covered by the current selection. | |
Select Event | Completely selects all events covered by the current selection. | |
Select Beat | Ctrl+B | Extends the current selection so that it starts on the first row of a beat and ends on the last row of a beat. |
Select Measure | Ctrl+Shift+B | Extends the current selection so that it starts on the first row of a measure and ends on the last row of a measure. |
Lose Selection | Resets the selection rectangle to contain only the cursor position. | |
Copy and Lose Selection | Copies the selected events to the clipboard and unselects them. | |
Quick Copy | Enter | Copies only one event of data (where the cursor is located) to OpenMPT′s “Quick” clipboard; the standard clipboard is not erased. Each column pair has its own Quick clipboard. |
Quick Paste | Space | Pastes the data in OpenMPT′s “Quick” clipboard to the location of the cursor. The data last saved in that column’s clipboard will be pasted in the cursor′s corresponding column. |
Cut to Pattern Channel Clipboard | Copies and clears the entire channel the cursor is located in. The content is copied is into a separate clipboard that can only be pasted using the “Paste from Pattern Channel Clipboard” command. | |
Cut to Pattern Clipboard | Copies and clears the entire current pattern. The content is copied is into a separate clipboard that can only be pasted using the “Paste from Pattern Clipboard” command. | |
Copy to Pattern Channel Clipboard | Copies the entire channel the cursor is located in. The content is copied is into a separate clipboard that can only be pasted using the “Paste from Pattern Channel Clipboard” command. | |
Copy to Pattern Clipboard | Copies the entire current pattern. The content is copied is into a separate clipboard that can only be pasted using the “Paste from Pattern Clipboard” command. | |
Paste from Pattern Channel Clipboard | Replaces the contents of the channel the cursor is located in with the contents of the pattern channel clipboard. | |
Paste from Pattern Clipboard | Replaces the contents of the current pattern with the contents of the pattern channel clipboard. | |
Toggle Clipboard Manager | Shift+Ctrl+M | Toggles the visibility of the pattern clipboard manager. |
Cycle to Previous Clipboard | Shift+Ctrl+Left | Makes the previous internal clipboard the current clipboard. |
Cycle to Next Clipboard | Shift+Ctrl+Right | Makes the next internal clipboard the current clipboard. |
Clear Row | Deletes all event data in the same row in the current channel. | |
Clear Field | Delete | Deletes the selected pattern data, or just the data under the current cursor position if no selection has been made. |
Clear Field (IT Style) | Shift+. | Same as “Clear field”, but also clears the instrument number if a note event is selected. |
Clear Row and Step | Ctrl+Delete | Same as “Clear row”, but also moves the cursor by the number of rows in the Row Spacing field. |
Clear Field and Step | Same as “Clear field”, but also moves the cursor by the number of rows in the Row Spacing field. | |
Clear Field and Step (IT Style) | Shift+Delete | Same as “Clear field (IT Style)”, but also moves the cursor by the number of rows in the Row Spacing field. |
Delete Row(s) | Backspace | Deletes the same number of rows as the selection, affecting the same number of channels where the selection extends; the data is moved up to replace the cleared data, and empty rows are added at the end of the affected channels. |
Delete Row(s) (All Channels) | Ctrl+Backspace | Deletes the same amount of rows as the selection, on all channels; the data is moved up to replace the cleared data, and empty rows are added at the end of the pattern. |
Delete Row(s) (Global) | Alt+Backspace | Deletes the same number of rows as the selection, affecting the same number of channels where the selection extends; this also affect all following patterns as no empty rows are inserted. |
Delete Row(s) (All Channels, Global) | Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | Deletes the same amount of rows as the selection, on all channels; this also affect all following patterns as no empty rows are inserted. |
Insert Row(s) | Insert | Moves event data in the current and following rows in the selected channel down by the amount of selected rows. Event data in the last row of those channels is deleted. |
Insert Row(s) (All Channels) | Ctrl+Insert | Moves event data in the current and following rows in all channels down by the amount of selected rows. Event data in the last row of all channels is deleted. |
Insert Row(s) (Global) | Alt+Insert | Moves event data in the current and following rows in the selected channel down by the amount of selected rows. Event data in the last rows is pushed to the next pattern(s), where the same action is repeated. |
Insert Row(s) (All Channels, Global) | Ctrl+Alt+Insert | Moves event data in the current and following rows in all channels down by the amount of selected rows. Event data in the last rows is pushed to the next pattern(s), where the same action is repeated. |
Mute Current Channel | F10 | Toggles the sound output (mute) for the channel(s) covered by the current selection. |
Solo Current Channel | Ctrl+F10 | Toggles the sound output (mute) for all channels except the channel(s) covered by the current selection. |
Unmute All Channels | Ctrl+Alt+F10 | Unmutes the sound output for all channels. |
(Un)mute Channel on Pattern Transition | Toggles the sound output (mute) for the channel(s) covered by the current selection, but the change takes place when the current pattern is finished playing. | |
Unmute All Channels on Pattern Transition | Unmutes the sound output for all channels when the current pattern is finished playing. | |
Solo Channel on Pattern Transition | Toggles the sound output (mute) for all channels except the one where the cursor is located, but the change takes place when the current pattern is finished playing. | |
Channel Record Select | Ctrl+1 | Toggles the channel(s) covered by the current selection to belong to the primary record group. |
Channel Split Record Select | Ctrl+2 | Toggles the channel(s) covered by the current selection to belong to the split record group. |
Reset Channel | Ctrl+R | Stops all note processing, and resets all channel variables to their defaults (volume, panning, etc.) on the selected channel(s). |
Transpose Channel | Changes the pitch of all notes on the selected channel in all patterns by a selectable amount of semitones. | |
Duplicate Channel | Adds a new channel to the module and carries over all note data from the channel containing the edit cursor to this new channel. | |
Add Channel Before Current | Adds a new empty channel before the channel containing the edit cursor. | |
Add Channel After Current | Adds a new empty channel after the channel containing the edit cursor. | |
Remove Current | Removes the channel containing the edit cursor. If the channel contains any data on any pattern, a confirmation prompt is shown. | |
Move Channels to Left | Moves the channels covered by the current selection (if there is none, just the channel where the edit cursor is located) to the left by one channel. | |
Move Channels to Right | Moves the channels covered by the current selection (if there is none, just the channel where the edit cursor is located) to the right by one channel. | |
Quick Channel Settings | Opens the Quick Channel Settings dialog for the channel where the cursor is located. | |
Transpose +1 | Ctrl+Q | Raises by one the note number of the currently selected notes. |
Transpose -1 | Ctrl+A | Lowers by one the note number of the currently selected notes. |
Transpose +1 Octave | Shift+Ctrl+Q | Raises by one the octave number of the currently selected notes. |
Transpose -1 Octave | Shift+Ctrl+A | Lowers by one the octave number of the currently selected notes. |
Transpose Custom | Ctrl+T | Lowers or raises the selected notes by an arbitrary amount of semitones. |
Transpose Custom (Quick) | Applies a previously chosen custom transpose amount. If no amount has been chosen before, the behaviour of this shortcut is identical to Transpose Custom. | |
Data Entry +1 | Increases the data (notes, instruments, effect parameters) in the currently selected pattern cells by one. | |
Data Entry -1 | Decreases the data (notes, instruments, effect parameters) in the currently selected pattern cells by one. | |
Data Entry Up (Coarse) | Increases the data (notes, instruments, effect parameters) in the currently selected pattern cells by one octave (notes), 10 (instruments and volume effect parameters) or 16 (effect parameters). | |
Data Entry Down (Coarse) | Decreases the data (notes, instruments, effect parameters) in the currently selected pattern cells by one octave (notes), 10 (instruments and volume effect parameters) or 16 (effect parameters). | |
Insert New Pattern | Inserts a new blank pattern after the current pattern, displays it, and moves the cursor to the same position in it. Also functions when cursor focus is in the Order list. | |
Duplicate Pattern | Ctrl+D | Inserts a new pattern with the current pattern′s contents. |
Split Pattern | Splits the current pattern at the cursor location. | |
Amplify Selection | Ctrl+M | Opens a dialog to change the note volume commands of the selected volume data. |
Interpolate Note | Transitions smoothly (using all available notes) between notes in the selection, filling in (and replacing if necessary) all rows with new note data. | |
Interpolate Instrument | Transitions smoothly (using all available instrument numbers) between instrument numbers in the selection, filling in all rows with new instrument data. | |
Interpolate Volume | Ctrl+J | Transitions smoothly between data amounts in the selection, filling in (and replacing if necessary) all rows with new volume effects. The first and last rows of the selection must contain the same volume effect, or one of the two rows might be empty. |
Interpolate Effect | Ctrl+K | Transitions smoothly between data amounts in the selection, filling in (and replacing if necessary) all rows with new effect data. The first and last rows of the selection must contain the same effect, or one of the two rows might be empty. Different effects within the selection are not overwritten. |
Apply Current Instrument | Ctrl+I | Applies the current instrument to all cells in the selection that contain note data. |
Apply Current Instrument to Existing Only | Applies the current instrument to all cells in the selection that contain an instrument numbers. Notes without instrument numbers are not updated. | |
Grow Selection | Alt+E | “Expands” the selection by doubling the number of the selected rows, and evenly spacing out the event data within it. The expansion will replace event data below it in the same channels as the selection. |
Shrink Selection | Alt+D | “Shrinks” the selection by deleting every other row of the selection. However, if only part of any row is selected, the data corresponding to the deleted selected data is also deleted. |
Toggle Follow Song | F11 | Toggles the “Follow Song” function. |
Toggle Loop Pattern | Shift+F11 | Toggles the Loop Pattern feature. |
Play Row | Ctrl+Enter | Process and play only the events in the current row where the cursor is located. |
Go to Row/Channel/… | Ctrl+G | Opens the Go To dialog to allow you to jump to a different position in the module. |
Pick Up Nearest Instrument Number | Seeks for the nearest instrument number in the pattern channel the cursor currently is in. If an instrument number is found, it is set as the currently active instrument. | |
Enable Recording | Ctrl+Space | Toggles the Event Record feature. When enabled, patterns may be edited. |
Toggle Metronome | Alt+M | Toggles the Metronome. |
Set Edit Step on Note Entry | Alt | The modifier key(s) that, when pressed with digits 0-9, allows you to change the Edit Step amount without using the mouse or moving the cursor focus out of the editor. |
Increase Edit Step | Increases the Edit Step by one row. | |
Decrease Edit Step | Decreases the Edit Step by one row. | |
Switch to Order List | Ctrl+Tab | Toggles the cursor focus between the pattern editor and the current pattern in the Pattern Order list. There is also a more general version of this shortcut that works for all other song views as well (“Toggle Between Upper / Lower View”). |
Toggle PC Event/Instrument Plugin Editor | Ctrl+/ | Opens the editor for the plugin of the selected Parameter Control Event or instrument number. |
Toggle Channel’s Plugin Editor | Ctrl+Alt+P | Opens the editor for the current channel′s assigned plugin. |
Show Note Properties | ▤ Application | Opens the Note Properties dialog, where you can assign any event data to the current row of the current channel. |
Show Pattern Properties | Shift+Alt+P | Opens the Pattern Properties dialog. |
Split Keyboard Settings Dialog | Ctrl+E | Opens the Keyboard Split dialog. |
Open Effect Visualizer | Alt+B | Opens the Parameter Editor dialog. |
Show Chord Editor | opens the Chord Editor dialog. | |
Show Context (Right-Click) Menu | Opens the edit context menu at the cursor location without using the mouse. | |
Show Channel Context (Right-Click) Menu | Opens the channel context menu at the cursor location without using the mouse. | |
Show Channel Plugin Context (Right-Click) Menu | Opens the plugin context menu of the channel at the cursor location without using the mouse. | |
Show Playback Time at Current Row | Ctrl+P | Shows the estimated time within the track at the start of the current row. |
Lock Playback to Rows | If a selection is made, playback is locked to the selected rows. Otherwise, a previous playback lock is removed. | |
Quantize Settings | Alt+Q | Opens the record quantization settings. |
Toggle row playback when navigating | Toggles the state of the "play whole row when navigating" feature. The new state of the feature is announced in the status bar. | |
Toggle Overflow Paste | When enabled, pasting will continue to the next pattern if the data overflows the current pattern. | |
Toggle Note Off Record (PC Keyboard) | Toggles the recording of Note Off events from the PC keyboard in the pattern editor (also configurable from the General setup page). | |
Toggle Note Off Record (MIDI) | Toggles the recording of Note Off events from MIDI in the pattern editor (also configurable from the MIDI setup page). | |
Toggle Apply Octave Transpose to incoming MIDI Notes | Toggles application of the base octave transposition to notes received via MIDI in the pattern editor (also configurable from the MIDI setup page). | |
Toggle Continue Song when MIDI Note is received | Toggles whether pattern playback continues when a note is received via MIDI (also configurable from the MIDI setup page). | |
Toggle Respond to Play / Continue / Stop Song MIDI messages | Toggles whether pattern playback starts / stops / continues when the corresponding MIDI commands are received (also configurable from the MIDI setup page). | |
Toggle Record MIDI Velocity | Toggles whether MIDI velocity is recorded (also configurable from the MIDI setup page). | |
Toggle Record MIDI Pitch Bend | Toggles whether MIDI pitch bends are recorded to patterns (also configurable from the MIDI setup page). | |
Toggle Record MIDI CCs | Toggles whether MIDI CC events are recorded to patterns (also configurable from the MIDI setup page). | |
Toggle Instrument Column Visibility | Shows or hides the instrument column. | |
Toggle Volume Column Visibility | Shows or hides the volume column. | |
Toggle Effect Column Visibility | Shows or hides the effect column. |
Note Column[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the pattern editor has focus and the cursor is in the note column (the first column).
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Base Octave [note] | Q, W, ... | Enters a note in the octave indicated in the Octave field. |
Base Octave +1 [note] | A, S, ... | Enters a note in the next higher octave indicated in the Octave field. |
Base Octave +2 [note] | Z, X, ... | Enters a note two octaves higher than the one indicated in the Octave field. |
Base Octave +3 [note] | Enters a note three octaves higher than the one indicated in the Octave field. | |
Base Octave +4 [note] | Enters a note four octaves higher than the one indicated in the Octave field. | |
Set Octave [0 – 9] | 0-9, Numpad0-Numpad9 | Sets the selected note’s octave. |
Chord Modifier | Shift | The modifier key(s) that calls a chord rather than a note. The chords are set and assigned in the Chord Editor. |
Note Cut | ` | Enters a Note Cut command (^^). Note: The default shortcut is position-independent and is bound to the key that is usually left of 1. |
Note Off | = | Enters a Note Off command (==). Note: The default shortcut is position-independent and is bound to the key that is usually left of Backspace. |
Note Fade | Shift+= | Enters a Note Fade command (~~). Note: The default shortcut is position-independent and is bound to the key that is usually lef of Backspace. |
Parameter Control | Shift+- | Enters an absolute Parameter Control event (PC). Note: The default shortcut is position-independent and is bound to the key that is usually right of 0. |
Parameter Control (Smooth) | - | Enters a smooth sliding Parameter Control event (PCs). Note: The default shortcut is position-independent and is bound to the key that is usually right of 0. |
Instrument Column[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the pattern editor has focus and the cursor is in the instrument column (the second column).
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Set Instrument Digit [0 – 9] | 0-9, Numpad0-Numpad9 | Enters the digit into the rightmost place in the instrument field, moving the existing digits to the left. |
Volume Column[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the pattern editor has focus and the cursor is in the volume column (the third column).
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Set Volume Digit [0 - 9] | 0-9, Numpad0-Numpad9 | Enters the digit into the rightmost place in the volume parameter field, moving the existing digits to the left. |
Set Volume Digit [A - F] | Enters the digit into the rightmost place in the volume parameter field, moving the existing digits to the left. By default, volume column parameters are shown in decimal and these shortcuts are not assigned. You can use them after enabling the Pattern Editor.VolumeColumnInHex hidden setting. | |
Volume Command - Volume | V | Enters a note volume (vxx) command into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Panning | P | Enters a panning command (pxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Volume Slide Up | C | Enters volume slide up (cxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Volume Slide Down | D | Enters a volume slide down (dxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Fine Volume Slide Up | A | Enters a fine volume slide up (axx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Fine Volume Slide Down | B | Enters a fine volume slide down (bxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Vibrato Speed | U | Enters a vibrato speed command (uxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Vibrato Depth | H | Enters a vibrato depth command (hxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - XM Pan Slide Left | L | Enters a pan slide to the left (lxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - XM Pan Slide Right | R | Enters a pan slide to the right (rxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Tone Portamento | G | Enters a tone portamento command (gxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Portamento Up | F | Enters a pitch bend up command (fxx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Portamento Down | E | Enters a pitch bend down command (exx) into the pattern. |
Volume Command - Offset | O | Enters a coarse sample offset command (oxx) into the pattern. |
Effect Column[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the pattern editor has focus and the cursor is in the effect column (the fourth column). Alphanumeric effect letters (0-9, A-Z) are currently not editable — they are automatically assigned to the respective keys on your keyboard.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Smooth MIDI Macro Slide | \ | Enters a Smooth MIDI Macro Slide (\xx) into the pattern. |
Combined Note Delay and Note Cut | ;, Shift+; | Enters a Delay-Cut (:xy) command into the pattern. |
Parameter Extension Command | / | Enters a Parameter Extension Command (#xx) into the pattern. |
Finetune | = | Enters a Finetune Command (+xx) into the pattern. |
Finetune (Smooth) | Shift+= | Enters a Smooth Finetune Command (*xx) into the pattern. |
Effect Parameter Column[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the pattern editor has focus and the cursor is in the effect parameter column (the fifth column).
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Effect Parameter Digit [0 – F] | 0-9, Numpad0-Numpad9, A-F | Enters the digit into the rightmost place in the effect parameter field, moving the existing digits to the left. |
Sample Editor[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the Samples Tab is active.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Trim Sample around Loop Points | Ctrl+T | Trims the sample to the selection, if there is one. Otherwise, if loop points are specified, all sample data outside of these start/end times are deleted. |
Trim to Loop End | Shift+Ctrl+T | If loop points are specified, all sample data past the loop end is deleted. |
Silence Sample Selection | Backspace | All of the sample data within the selected area is set to zero, effectively placing silence in that span. |
Normalize Sample | Shift+N | Applies Normalisation to the sample. |
Amplify Sample | Ctrl+M | Opens the Amplify dialog, allowing you to alter the volume of the sample and apply Fade In or Fade Out (from / to silence). |
Reverse Sample | Shift+Ctrl+R | Puts the selected sample data in reverse order, so it is being played backwards. |
Delete Sample Selection | Delete | Deletes the sample data within the selection, moving the remaining data together. |
Toggle Sample Drawing | Turns sample drawing mode on or off. | |
Add Silence / Create Sample | Opens the dialog for adding silence, resizing samples and initializing FM instruments. | |
Configure Sample Grid | Opens the dialog for setting the sample grid properties. | |
Zoom In | Numpad+, Ctrl++ | Increases the data-to-display ratio, effectively zooming in to show more graphic detail of the sample data. |
Zoom Out | Numpad-, Ctrl+- | Decreases the data-to-display ratio, effectively zooming out to show less graphic detail of the sample data. |
Zoom into Selection | Space | Zooms so much into the sample data that the current selection covers as much of the sample display as possible. If no selection has been made, auto-zoom is enabled. |
Zoom into Sample Start | 1 | Zooms into the sample and ensures that the sample start is visible in the view. |
Zoom into Sample End | 2 | Zooms into the sample and ensures that the sample end is visible in the view. |
Center Loop Start in View | Ctrl+1 | Ensures that the normal sample loop’s start point is centered in the waveform display (if the current zoom level allows it). |
Center Loop End in View | Ctrl+2 | Ensures that the normal sample loop’s end point is centered in the waveform display (if the current zoom level allows it). |
Center Sustain Loop Start in View | Ctrl+3 | Ensures that the sample sustain loop’s start point is centered in the waveform display (if the current zoom level allows it). |
Center Sustain Loop End in View | Ctrl+4 | Ensures that the sample sustain loop’s end point is centered in the waveform display (if the current zoom level allows it). |
Convert Ping-Pong Loop to Unidirectional | Turns a bidi-looped sample loop into a sample with a regular loop by adding a reversed copy of the sample data. | |
Convert Ping-Pong Sustain Loop to Unidirectional | Turns a bidi-looped sustain loop into a sample with a regular loop by adding a reversed copy of the sample data. | |
Convert to 8-bit / 16-bit | Ctrl+8 | Changes the sample’s bit depth between 8-bit and 16-bit. |
Convert to Mono (Mix) | Shift+M | Mixes the left and right channels of a stereo sample equally together. |
Convert to Mono (Left Channel) | Shift+L | Only keeps the left channel of a stereo sample. |
Convert to Mono (Right Channel) | Shift+R | Only keeps the right channel of a stereo sample. |
Convert to Mono (Split Sample) | Shift+S | Create two sample slots for this sample, one containing only the left channel and the other containing just the right channel. If the sample is referenced by an instrument, this instrument is duplicated as well for the right channel. |
Change Stereo Separation | Shift+P | Adjusts the stereo separation of the sample by a given amount, either widening or narrowing the stereo width. |
Upsample | Shift+F | Doubles the sample’s middle-C frequency using the interpolation filter last chosen in the Resample dialog. |
Downsample | Shift+G | Halves the sample’s middle-C frequency using the interpolation filter last chosen in the Resample dialog. |
Resample | Ctrl+R | Changes the sample’s middle-C frequency to a new arbitrary frequency. |
Invert Sample Phase | Ctrl+I | Inverts the sample’s phase, i.e. it is mirrored along the time axis. |
Signed / Unsigned Conversion | Ctrl+U | Re-interprets the sample data as a signed or unsigned sample. |
Remove DC Offset | Ctrl+E | Removes an unwanted static DC Offset from the waveform, i.e. it is centered around the time axis. |
Quick Fade | Ctrl+D | Applies a fade-in for the selected sample data if the selection includes the beginning of the sample, or applies a fade-out if the selection includes the end of the sample. If neither the beginning or end of the waveform is part of the selection, the Amplify dialog is shown. |
Crossfade Sample Loop | Ctrl+L | Opens the Crossfade Loop dialog to crossfade the sample loop’s end with the loop start, to create seamless loop transitions. |
Tune Sample to Given Note | Opens the Sample Tuner dialog, where the sample can be tuned to a given note. | |
Load Sample | Enter | Opens the Open File dialog to allow you to import a sample file into the sample slot. This command also works in the Instrument Tab, importing an instrument to the current Instrument slot. |
Load Raw Sample | Shift+Enter | Opens the Open File dialog to allow you to import a sample file into the sample slot. The Raw Sample Import is shown, ignoring the sample format even if it is known to OpenMPT. |
Save Sample | Opens the Save File dialog to allow you to save the sample as a Wave Audio or Raw file into a folder of your choice. This command also works in the Instrument Tab, saving the instrument and its accompanying samples as an .iti, .xi or .sfz file. | |
New Sample | Creates a blank sample in the next unused slot. This command also works in the Instrument Tab. | |
Duplicate Sample | Duplicates the current sample slot into the next unused slot. | |
Initialize OPL Instrument | Configures the current sample slot to be a synthesized OPL instrument and recalls the default instrument parameters. | |
Transpose +1 | Ctrl+Q | Raises the middle-C frequency by one semitone. |
Transpose -1 | Ctrl+A | Lowers the middle-C frequency by one semitone. |
Transpose +1 Octave | Shift+Ctrl+Q | Raises (doubles) the middle-C frequency by one octave. |
Transpose -1 Octave | Shift+Ctrl+A | Lowers (halves) the middle-C frequency by one octave. |
Increment Finetune | Shift+Up | Raises the middle-C frequency by the configured frequency finetune step, or by one finetune unit in MOD / XM Files. |
Decrement Finetune | Shift+Down | Lowers the middle-C frequency by the configured frequency finetune step, or by one finetune unit in MOD / XM Files. |
Toggle Follow Sample Play Cursor | Shift+F | Cycles through all three sample playback cursor follow modes. The new follow mode is announced in the status bar. |
Preview / Set Sample Cue [1 - 9] | Shift+1-9 | Previews the sample at middle-C, starting from the chosen cue point. If the cue point is unset and the sample is currently being previewed, the cue point is set to the current play position. |
Slice at Cue Points | Creates new samples from the current sample by splitting the sample at its cue points. |
Instrument Editor[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the Sample Map on the Instrument Tab is focussed.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Duplicate Instrument | Ctrl+D | Creates a new instrument slot using all the same instrument attributes as the currently displayed instrument. |
Edit Sample Map | Shift+Ctrl+E | Opens the Sample Map dialog. |
Edit Current Sample | Ctrl+E | Opens the Samples page of the currently selected sample slot. |
Map All Notes to Selected Note | Shift+Ctrl+M | Sets the currently selected note to all notes. |
Map All Notes to Selected Sample | Ctrl+M | Sets the currently selected sample slot to all notes. |
Reset Note Mapping | Ctrl+R | Resets the note assignments, so that each note maps to itself (C-5 → C-5, D-5 → D-5, and so on). |
Remove All Samples | Removes any sample associations from the instrument. | |
Transpose +1 (Note Map) | Ctrl+Q | Transposes the whole note map up one semitone. |
Transpose -1 (Note Map) | Ctrl+A | Transposes the whole note map down one semitone. |
Transpose +1 Octave (Note Map) | Shift+Ctrl+Q | Transposes the whole note map up one octave. |
Transpose -1 Octave (Note Map) | Shift+Ctrl+A | Transposes the whole note map down one octave. |
Envelope Editor[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the envelope editor on the Instrument Tab is focussed.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Load Envelope | Replaces the currently active envelope with an envelope from disk. | |
Save Envelope | Stores the currently active envelope to disk. | |
Zoom In | Numpad+, Ctrl++ | Increases the detail of the Envelope Window, showing a smaller excerpt of the envelope. |
Zoom Out | Numpad-, Ctrl+- | Decreases the detail of the Envelope Window, showing a bigger excerpt of the envelope. |
Scale Envelope Points | Ctrl+E | Opens the Scale Envelope Points dialog. |
Switch to Volume Envelope | Shift+M | Selects the Volume Envelope for editing. |
Switch to Panning Envelope | Shift+P | Selects the Panning Envelope for editing. |
Switch to Pitch / Filter Envelope | Shift+I | Selects the Pitch / Filter Envelope for editing. |
Toggle Volume Envelope | Ctrl+Shift+M | Enables or disables the Volume Envelope. |
Toggle Panning Envelope | Ctrl+Shift+P | Enables or disables the Panning Envelope. |
Toggle Pitch Envelope | Ctrl+Shift+I | Enables or disables the Pitch Envelope. |
Toggle Filter Envelope | Shift+F | Enables or disables the Filter Envelope. |
Toggle Envelope Loop | Shift+L | Enables or disables the Envelope Loop. |
Select Envelope Loop Start | Shift+Home | Moves the selection to the envelope loop start. |
Select Envelope Loop End | Shift+End | Moves the selection to the envelope loop end. |
Toggle Envelope Sustain Loop | Ctrl+Shift+L | Enables or disables the Envelope Sustain Loop. |
Select Envelope Sustain Start | Ctrl+Shift+Home | Moves the selection to the envelope sustain start. |
Select Envelope Sustain End | Ctrl+Shift+End | Moves the selection to the envelope sustain end. |
Toggle Envelope Carry | Ctrl+Shift+C | Enables or disables the Envelope Carry. |
Select Previous Envelope Point | Shift+Tab | Moves the selection to the previous envelope point. |
Select Next Envelope Point | Tab | Moves the selection to the following envelope point. |
Move Envelope Point Left | Left | Moves the selected envelope point left one tick. |
Move Envelope Point Left (Coarse) | Shift+Left | Moves the selected envelope point left one beat. |
Move Envelope Point Right | Right | Moves the selected envelope point right one tick. |
Move Envelope Point Right (Coarse) | Shift+Right | Moves the selected envelope point right one beat. |
Move Envelope Point Up | Up | Moves the selected envelope point up one unit. |
Move Envelope Point Up (Coarse) | PageUp | Moves the selected envelope point up 8 units. |
Move Envelope Point Down | Down | Moves the selected envelope point down one unit. |
Move Envelope Point Down (Coarse) | PageDown | Moves the selected envelope point down 8 units. |
Insert Envelope Point | Insert | Inserts an envelope point after the selected point. |
Remove Envelope Point | Delete, Backspace | Deletes the selected envelope point. |
Set Loop Start | Home | Sets the selected envelope point as the Envelope Loop start point. |
Set Loop End | End | Sets the selected envelope point as the Envelope Loop end point. |
Set Sustain Loop Start | Ctrl+Home | Sets the selected envelope point as the Sustain Loop start point. |
Set Sustain Loop End | Ctrl+End | Sets the selected envelope point as the Sustain Loop end point. |
Toggle Release Node | Ctrl+R | Toggles the selected envelope point as the start point for the Release Envelope. |
Comments [Bottom][edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the lower half of the Comments tab is focussed.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Toggle Between Lists | Tab | Toggles between the sample and instrument list. |
Open Item in Editor | Enter | Switches to the sample or instrument editor to edit the currently selected item. |
Rename Item | Ctrl+Enter | Brings up an edit box for renaming the selected sample or instrument. |
Plugin Editor[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when a plugin window is focussed.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Previous Plugin Preset | Numpad- | Selects the previous plugin preset / patch. |
Next Plugin Preset | Numpad+ | Selects the following plugin preset / patch. |
Plugin Preset Backward Jump | Ctrl+Numpad- | Jumps back 10 entries in the preset list. |
Plugin Preset Forward Jump | Ctrl+Numpad+ | Jumps forward 10 entries in the preset list. |
Randomize Plugin Parameters | Shift+Ctrl+D | Give random values to all parameters of the current plugin. |
Toggle Parameter Recording | Ctrl+R | Toggles the parameter recording function, which allows you to record parameter changes from plugin window into the pattern. |
Record MIDI Out to Pattern Editor | Toggles the MIDI Out recording function, which allows you to route the plugin’s MIDI output to the pattern, sample or instrument editor. | |
Pass Key Presses to Plugin | Ctrl+K | Toggles the Pass Keys function, which sends all keyboard input to the currently open plugin window (e.g. for entering a serial number in the plugin GUI). |
Bypass Plugin | Ctrl+B | Toggles plugin’s bypass property to control whether audio is routed through the plugin or not. |
Tree View[edit]
These shortcuts are applied when the Tree View is focussed.
Action | Default Shortcut | Description |
Switch between Upper / Lower Tree View | Tab | Switches focus between the upper and lower panel of the Tree View. |
Open / View Item | Enter | Opens / views / previews the selected item (same action as double-click). |
Play Item | Space | Previews the selected item if it is a sample, instrument or file. |
Insert Item | Insert | Inserts an empty item (e.g. sample or instrument slot) after the currently selected item. |
Duplicate Item | Shift+Insert | Duplicates the currently selected item (e.g. sample or instrument slot). |
Delete Item | Delete | Deletes the currently selected item. |
Delete Item Permanently | Shift+Delete | Same as “Delete Item”, but if the selected item is a file, it will not be moved to the recycling bin. |
Rename Item / Send To Editor | Ctrl+Enter | For items belonging to an open module (e.g. patterns, samples, instruments, ...): The selected item is renamed. For items in the instrument library: The item is sent to the last active sample or instrument editor and replaces the currently selected sample or instrument. |
Send To Editor (Insert New) | Shift+Ctrl+Enter | For items in the instrument library: The item is sent to the last active sample or instrument editor and is loaded into a new sample or instrument slot. |
Go to Parent Folder | Backspace | Changes the instrument library folder to the current location′s parent folder. |
Find in Instrument Library | Ctrl+F | Opens the search filter to quickly locate files and folders in the instrument library. |
Sort Instrument Library By Name | Items in the instrument library are sorted by their file name. | |
Sort Instrument Library By Date | Items in the instrument library are sorted by their last file modification date. | |
Sort Instrument Library By Size | Items in the instrument library are sorted by their file size. |